02 True King [Accidental Audio]

Jul 15, 2009 00:14

[  A small thud, as if the PCD was simply dropped to the ground, likely the reason it turned on. After that, a few staggered footsteps and Ling's hoarse voice. ]


So ... hungry. Gotta find ... some ... real food.

[ A much louder thud, most likely Ling himself. ]


[ Was that him eating dirt? A quickly abandoned attempt at crawling before a heavy puff. ]

...Where's an Elric when you need one...?

[ Silence. And the audio soon times out. ]

(( ooc: It was inevitable, okay? ))

he does it on purpose i swear, calling all ran fans, ohai adstring got any food?, anybody gotta shoe?, fruit can't sustain a man for a week

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