Jul 06, 2009 09:53
[When the video begins rolling, Ling is watching a still-burning bone torch dance around him in circles, his PCD still sitting untouched to the side. After a moment of staring, he turns his gaze contemplatively up at the higher levels of a few surrounding buildings. It seems he's going to ignore it for now.
He’s covered in blood, but little of it seems to be his own, and he’s wearing no shirt, just an open jacket. One hand is supporting his side which, if one squints, can be seen to be badly bruised, likely several broken ribs. His other hand is absently rubbing his chin as he takes in his surroundings, a small frown lining his lips.]
Okaaaaay… So did we make it or…?
[Another pause as he looks back down at the dancing bone.]
Huh. I would have thought an alchemy rebound would be less ... like this?
too bright for the squinter,
not in gluttony's stomach anymore,
ohai adstring got any food?,
*event: (in)animate,
dancing bone is probably a bad sign,
oh ed i think you screwed up