May 28, 2003 23:07
I'm pretty confident that I aced my psychology exam today. Go me. So I made the half hour/forty-five minute drive downtown to campus & paid three dollars for parking so I could spend approximately thirty minutes on this exam & be on my way home. Still not a bad deal as I had extra time before work to get some stuff done.
I decided that I had to rearrange my room once again before cleaning it. Finished arranging it (Yes, amid the piles of shit for anyone who has seen my room lately.). I'm digging the design. Comfortable. More space -- sort of. After I finished putting my furniture in place I also did a minimal amount of cleaning.
I also dropped all of my fall classes & redid my schedule. I'll now be taking all of my classes at the Oakland campus (which is closer to my house), they are as follows: Basic Life Diversity (Bio.) Mondays from six to nine pm, Critical Thinking Tuesdays from six to nine pm, Geology: Science of Earth Saturdays from nine until noon, & Ancient World Saturdays from twelve fifty until three thirty-five. Thirteen credit hours, not bad. Motivated primarily by my desire to stay on as part-time or become full-time at R&D.
Work was craptastic. I ended up having to close kitchen & dining room again (I think Katie got fired.) & wanting to harm the owner (Who told a semi-attractive male that we weren't hiring last week & hired two girls today.).
I called Adam right after I got off work & it was so good to talk to him -- until I told him that I told my boss that I'd work from noon until six on Sunday. Normally I would work from noon until we closed at eight thirty, but Adam & I are supposed to hang out. Apparently Adam had planned to spend the entire day together without telling me. Now he's upset that he won't get to spend any 'real' time with me because we are gaming with Sarah & Nikki on Friday & he has to go game with his friends Saturday afternoon/night. I proposed that we could hang out Friday night & almost all of Saturday next weekend, thinking that perhaps we could go out (kick it in Plymouth or Ann Arbor, get dinner, etc.) Friday & laze around on Saturday. Adam did not sound enthused & when I asked he told me that he didn't want to spend the whole weekend with me because he needs time to spend with his friends as well. His friends who live ten minutes away from him & who he has seen at least one of every day this week. True, I am jealous of the fact that Adam's friends live closer to him than I do & that it is easier for them to get together, but! what is the deal with him getting really mad at me for working six extra hours because I need the money when he is unable to sacrifice some time that could be spent doing nothing with his friends (Who he gets to see all week.) to hang out with me? I'm not one of those dumb cunts who thinks that all of their boyfriend's time should be devoted solely to them & that they shouldn't have any other friends, etc. but... Anyway, this all sounds really stupid because it is & it will pass over once Sunday has come & gone.
During one of the nice, lovey-dovey parts of our conversation I told Adam that I wanted to marry him (But not right now.). He asked what I would say if he asked me to marry him right now & I told him yes. Told him that I would have said yes a year ago. Crazy. This was spurred by the fact that I 'need' this money to save up for a few more important items, & then to stash away toward an apartment, which I would like to be capable of moving into whenever Adam is ready, if not before (Either by myself or with a roommate.).
Sleep is now necessary. Work starts at six tomorrow & won't really end until nine thirty or so.