Today is short because my throat hurts and I cannot speak. I just wanted to post that Kelly Clarkson's new song describes my whole entire emotional state. The way I've always felt inside my head but couldn't really get out. But I guess that's how it all is up inside my brain. I feel so geeky admitting that a Kelly Clarkson song got to me, and it didn't until I saw the video this morning. It made me cry, wuss or not, it's intense. Also, Green Day's Billy Joe Armstrong is still freaking hot and also, I'm surprised Bush hasn't attempted to kill them yet because they are super super daring these days. Always have been since they -are- political punk but still, yipes. Lot's bolder these days.
Anyhow, more when I feel better, I swear it'll be a lot better too.
ALSO! My brother's first ER show premieres tonight! Watch!