Gender Confetti

Sep 09, 2009 14:25

Newly back from Gender Odyssey in Seattle ("in Seattle" is the important part of this particular clause), I want a bike even more. I am also (now "Gender Odyssey"), in absolutely no order by priority, about-the-same interested in and way-less-worried-about chest surgery; feeling less isolated; waiting anxiously for free time to post a YouTube vid; moderately overwhelmed by the school and work commitments I have to catch up with; and hungry.

That last bit's not because of Gender Odyssey; it's because my T dose went up. I'm amused and disconcerted that my doc verified the necessity of said upped dose, by rolling up my binder and checking for hair on my lower back. Really? Really. He did order some blood work, as well.

Today is making up yesterday's art history quiz; studying for tomorrow's art history quiz; coming up with a week's worth of work in printmaking (since I was gone Friday through Tuesday, and our graduate crit meets Thursdays); teaching intro to silkscreen and digital processes, where I'll be demo-ing t-shirt printing, and probably excusing at least half my students to wash out over- or under-exposed photo-emulsions. Ah, printmaking.

Tomorrow is art history; graduate critique; teaching intermediate intaglio; then a TGG pre-meeting, since 3/4 of our officer team couldn't make it to our usual Sunday planning meeting; then That Gay Group's Big Fun Community-Building Meeting. Then donuts, of course; and then to bed.

I am pleased + stressed, and I wish this rotten sinus infection would go away, and leave me alone.
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