Name/Nickname: Leah
AIM/E-mail/Contact: formalleah/
gorillaforsandracing AT gmail
LJ: hotforbabyleg!
Canon Character and Series: Lust, Fullmetal Alchemist (MANGAVERSE Y'ALL)
In-Game Name: WELL UM HER ACTUAL NAME WILL STILL BE LUST but her alias, which she will go by for all intents and purposes, will be Solaris Fuller! Solaris because she uses it as an alias in canon, Fuller because..... it's a really common last name and the name for the raised groove on the blade of a knife or dagger. YEAH. YEAH, I'M SO CLEVER.
Age: somewhere in the 300-400 range, heavy on the 400 side.
Gender: Female!
Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please): Pilot, the Amestris.
Appearance: Um. She is really hot? When she's not being being blown up and regenerating hideously, she just looks like a pretty woman in her mid-twenties. Like pretty much every homunculus ever, she has pale skin, black hair, and slit-pupiled eyes that are either purple or red depending on which official art you go on. Her hair is mid-back-length and, idk, sort of bordering between slightly curly and straight. Wavy is a really weird adjective to apply to hair. She's pretty much always wearing a black dress, high heeled boots, and gloves, and at least the gloves are part of her body. I doubt she can remove them at all. All homunculi have these little red lines and nodes on their bodies that appear to mark where their flow of energy can be interrupted; Lust's are on her gloves, with lines connecting nodes on her upper arms, where the gloves start, and on the back of her hands. Also, her palms are uncovered for some reason. She's able to extend her fingernails into spears and stab the shit out of people with 'em, though it's debatable how accurate the word "fingernails" really is when describing them, or if they're really just all part of her hands. She has a red tattoo of the ouroboros over her collarbone. Also, she is stacked. Huge breasts, everywhere. Everyone knows this.
Personality: Lust's defining feature is probably how cool she is. Not sunglasses at night cool, but cool-headed and, in a way, businesslike. She's calm, intelligent, and completely heartless. Lust has no regret for any of the (incredibly horrible) things she does, and the concept of feeling remorse would be laughable to her. You could probably make a case for her being a sociopath, but it's really more that Lust is, like most other homunculi, so clearly and sheerly inhuman that she's unable to identify with human emotions and values in any way. She can understand, to an extent, why people act the way they do, but she sees no value in those motivations except as a tool to further Father's plans. Which she does! Quite frequently, since she's used to working from the shadows and manipulating people on a pretty grand scale. In Lust's eyes, the average human being is pretty much on par with an ant; she sees homunculi as being an evolved, superior version of humanity, is deeply proud of her identity as one, and views human emotion as foolish and weak. She can respect some humans grudgingly, if they're able to get the best of her. Unfortunately, the way Lust expresses respect is usually by being sad she wasn't able to kill someone.
When she's with nonhumans, however, her disposition is slightly different. Father's goals are everything to Lust--unlike some of the other homunculi, like Greed, Wrath, and Pride, she never shows any signs of having conflicting desires, and she at least claims to have "affection for the father who created her." In addition, she's almost always pleasant with the other homunculi, and has a somewhat playful side when she deals with them, teasing Envy about his nasty disposition and occasionally using Gluttony as her own personal chair. Gluttony is particularly important to her character because Lust shows more affection to him than she does to any human character in the entire series; he's something between a child and a pet to her, and she treats him accordingly, patting him on the head and scolding him when he does something bad, which in his case is eating people he shouldn't eat.
Also notable is Lust's extreme sadistic streak. She very clearly enjoys hurting and toying with people throughout the series, both physically and psychologically, but she never takes it to the extremes that Envy does. Lust is able to combine business and pleasure; she takes her fun in intimidating and eliminating the people who she would have to get rid of anyway, and she never goes over the top in doing it. As opposed to Envy, who basically has a giant homunculus orgasm when he watches and causes war, Lust just sees mass destruction as another extension of human foolishness. The kind of pain she likes is more individual; when she tells Mustang to watch his subordinates go cold before his eyes and die with them, that's as enjoyable as it gets for her. Although Lust's name and appearance would suggest otherwise (i.e. she is a stone cold fox), she shows very little interest in actually having sex with anyone. While I'd argue that she does have a pretty strong sexual drive compared to the other homunculi (except Greed, who's a giant manwhore), she's integrated it almost entirely into hurting and killing other people; intimidating Marcoh or stabbing Mustang is a sexual release for her.
Also, yeah, she's kind of sarcastic sometimes! And she can't stand annoying men.
Abilities/Weapons: Due to the whole, you know, being a homunculus thing, Lust is able to regenerate from pretty much any wound, ever! And she does it near-instantaneously, thanks to the power of the Philosopher's Stone that comprises the nucleus her body is built around. She's also able to extend her fingernails to great lengths (in canon, we never see a limit, so hurr durr there is that), and uses them to pierce just about anything--most often humans, but if you take a line from the second animu as canon, she can like, pierce diamonds and shit. She's also quite agile with her attacks, and pretty damn fast, although it's no more exceptional than anything from a well-trained human being would be. This ain't no Barry Allen fuckfest.
How well can your character hack?: WELL IDK this is where the AU factor gets hilarious for me. Normally I would say NOT AT ALL SHE IS FROM 1914, but in this case, since she's like, moderately intelligent, I'd assume she's a medium? Also, I'm running on the assumption that the homunculi in general would want to stay ~on the cutting edge~ of technology; if there's potentially information which could further Father's mastah plan, and it could be accessed through hacking, and she's going to be a part of the network where that information is getting put out, she'd for sure do her best to learn exactly how to access it. You can't fuck with the world with 100% efficiency if you can't work on its level, after all.
Weaknesses: Lust isn't, unlike some other homunculi, particularly strong or resilient. Her body is perfectly easy to damage (or chop, as the case may be); the trouble is in making sure that the damage lasts, which usually entails killing her until the regenerative power of the Stone runs out and she just... turns into dust. In-game, however, her powers will be nerfed so that her Philosopher's Stone nucleus will essentially function as a vital organ; where, in canon, if it's ripped out of her body she'll just regenerate around it, in-game that would definitely kill her. Similarly, damage inflicted to the Stone will constitute a mortal wound. Basically, she'll be able to regenerate an arm or a head, but she won't be able to handle being blown up.
MOVING ON TO ACTUAL PERSONALITY WEAKNESSES UM Lust tends to underestimate humans? She doesn't understand them, and she doesn't have any interest in understanding them beyond their potential as tools in ~*~Father's master plan~*~, and that plus a heaping load of homunculus arrogance results in her completely failing to get their motives and limits; when someone shows up and is like I CAUTERIZED MY WOUNDS AND ALMOST PASSED OUT FROM THE PAIN AND NOW I WILL BLOW YOU TO BITS, she never sees it coming. The fact that she is so calculating and usually so successful in manipulation only increases her complete failure to notice miscalculations when they do occur, and ho ho ho that can really come back to bite her in the ass.
She also has a soft spot for fatties. I'M JUST SAYIN'.
History: Solaris Fuller is a pretty woman in her middle twenties who don't take shit from nobody. Born an only child to middle-class parents in, uh, Solare, she was orphaned and sustained gruesome burns to her arms and hands in a tenement fire when she was thirteen. She spent the rest of her teenage years in an inadequate system before coming into her meager inheritance, most of which was spent on transportation to Bellcius (where the magic is!) and her subsequent higher education. Rationalizing that her dreams of teaching were rendered impossible by her own financial situation, she decided instead to invest in training for a potentially lucrative profession (IT BEATS STRIPPING TO PAY UNIVERSITY BILLS FOR YOUR TEACHER'S DEGREE AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT); piloting motherfuckin' small planes and shit. Sharp, businesslike, and no-nonsense with a secretly compassionate side, she's a relatively new recruit to the Amestris with an uncannily lucky flying record (seriously man she doesn't even bruise what is with that) which she explains as the karmic result of her less-fortunate childhood.
Absolutely none of this is true, of course. This is the story that Lust tells people to explain her nonexistent family, conservative clothing, and the gloves that she never fucking takes off.
So yeah, a couple hundred years ago, there was this Demihuman dude. This dude was called Homunculus, and he had a lovely backstory I think should probably be kept deliberately vague, because, you know, let's maybe not screw this up irreparably for anyone who might think of apping Hohenheim in the future. Whatever his origins were (and they were probably very gruesome indeed), this near-immortal entity decided that asexual reproduction was where it was at about four hundred years ago, and proceeded to separate new Philosopher's Stones from his own body, creating artificial humans--new homunculi, lowercase--with the Stones as the cores of their beings. Each homunculus contained one of Homunculus' own bad traits--one of his seven deadly sins, as it were--and each one was named after the sin they were meant to embody. The second homunculus, and the only female one to ever be created, was Lust.
Cool, sultry, and remorseless, Lust is roughly 400 years old, and she's seen plenty of shit go down within that time; operating from the shadows with the aid of the Philosophers and her other siblings, her manipulations (which are always, also, Father's manipulations) have helped bear some pretty hideous fruit. Far from being an only child, she... kind of... has six "siblings", though she only acknowledges five. Gluttony, one of her youngest siblings, has often been her charge in the past; she handles him and keeps him from eating things he shouldn't, and he cleans up after she stabs a motherfucker dead. By eating the dead person. Yeah. Gluttony idolizes her, and the two of them have a relationship that's half master and pet and half master and garbage disposal. About a hundred years previously, her direct junior Greed turned traitor to Father and totally hauled ass to parts unknown, and remains unaccounted for, unless a Greedling apps in the future in which he... is accounted for I guess DON'T LOOK AT ME. Deeply loyal to Father, betrayal is something that Lust holds anathema, and the prospect of Father's newest homunculus, Wrath, becoming influenced by humans to a similar result is absolutely intolerable, especially given how much time and effort has been invested into his identity as Grand Admiral King Bradley.
The rumors about him are also notable; whispers about his brutal conduct in battle and his military past are a constant, if minor, presence. It's precisely this potential source of unrest that makes Lust's presence necessary; she acts as both a spy for Wrath's benefit and a potential silencer of unrest through what she does best--shanking motherfuckers. Mutiny, of course, will not stand, and two information-gatherers are better than one, especially since Pride does not have much in the way of bodacious cleavage. Under the relative security of her Solaris persona, Lust creepers and honey-traps her way through the Amestris, making absolutely sure she has her (SPIKY :() fingers on the pulse of the ship. She hasn't killed anyone yet, but it's not for a desire not to. While, behind the scenes, she reports to King Bradley, Lust's first priority is and always will be Father, and therefore her loyalties lie with the closest current equivalent; her elder brother, Pride. Even as she acts as their eyes and ears, therefore, she and Pride share a second and equally important imperative--to monitor their youngest brother's behavior closely, and, if it proves necessary, to curtail it. Most likely by stabbing motherfuckers.
Meanwhile, Gluttony is off somewhere in the ass-end of Ivona, being the loneliest ball of fat ever.