OOC --fic. "She kind of enjoyed working for an idiot."

Aug 07, 2009 05:56

This was written to fill one of the drabble prompts over at where_no_woman

Canon: TOS
Prompt: She kind of enjoyed working for an idiot.

"I'm taking my break, Doctor."

Doctor McCoy grunts in her direction and waves her off. He's too engrossed in a week's worth of paperwork to care what she's doing or when she's doing it.

Christine glances at the chronometer and quickens her pace. She reaches her quarters in less than two minutes, and there is a Yeoman --with elaborate hair that makes her almost as tall as she is-- busying herself at a control panel near the door.

She looks around quickly and positions herself behind the Yeoman, her fingers just barely brushing her hips.

"Janice." She whispers over the Yeoman's shoulder.

Janice Rand smirks but does not turn around, still tapping away at the PADD in her hands, apparently comparing its readout to the screen in front of her.

"Thirty minutes." Christine says, still whispering, letting her mouth drift closer to Janice's throat.

"Twenty-five, or the Captain might get suspicious."

Christine chuckles and tugs at Janice, pulling her towards the door. "Come on, you know he'll just think you were powdering your nose for him." It's times like this that she kind of enjoys working for an idiot. He's good at what he does, of course, but Captain Jim Kirk, ladies man that he is, assumes that Janice's naturally shy-but-friendly demeanor is flirtatious. So, when she takes an extra twenty minutes to fetch a coffee, or an extra thirty to update his schedule, she couldn't possibly be occupying her time with anything other than making herself the object of his desire.

It is really, profoundly handy.

"I use that excuse for fifteen minute breaks, Christy. Trysts like this require consistency." Janice is facing her now, and her smooth legs rub against Christine's as they pass through the door. It shuts behind them, and Christine has her favorite Yeoman against a wall. She takes her mouth, darting her tongue in quick, teasing motions. Janice gasps a little when Christine's fingers move from lightly brushing her thigh to lifting her skirt.

Janice's hands wrap themselves around her neck, and Christine tugs the red shorts beneath the skirt down to Janice's knees. Her mouth is still on the Yeoman's when she parts her warm, moist flesh, one finger tracing light circles over her clit. It's not until she dips a finger inside of her that Christine breaks the kiss. She let's the sound of Janice's moan fill her ears.

She moves the single finger in and out slowly, in shallow, teasing thrusts. She bites lightly at Janice's neck, and Janice shudders and bucks her hips.

Christine smiles against her skin and adds another finger, letting her thrusts deepen only slightly. The noise Janice makes is high and desperate, and Christine can't help but thrust fast and deep just once, her teeth scraping against the Yeoman's collarbone. Janice tugs at Christine's hair, and when her breathing hitches Christine finally thrusts the way she wants it. A third finger presses into the wet, gripping heat, and Janice is panting.

Christine takes Janice by the back of the neck and pulls her into a quick, rough kiss before dropping to her knees. She coaxes one of Janice's legs over her shoulder hikes her skirt up even higher.

Christine's lips brush against Janice, and the Yeoman pushes her hips forward. With three fingers still pumping --in and out and in-- Christine's tongue flicks over the clit in front of her. Gradually she presses harder, her tongue moving faster. Before long, each thrust is as far as she can go, and she curls her fingers, stealing more of Janice's breath.

Janice throws her head back and grips Christine's hair. Christine feels her fingers squeezed as Janice flexes and comes around her. Her tongue stays moving on her clit until Janice goes limp and begins catching her breath. She slides her fingers out and pulls Janice to her knees in front of her. She's heavy lidded as she stares back, and Christine kisses her, swirling her tongue with the Yeoman's. Christine looks at the chronometer once she breaks the kiss.

"Twenty minutes. You want to press our luck?"

Janice stands abruptly and pulls her to her feet. "Ha. Luck has nothing to do with it." She backs Christine into the bed and gently pushes her down onto it.


Janice's hands waste no time. They slide up Christines thighs, and her fingers pull the shorts away like they're nothing. She's pressing slender fingers against Christine's opening when she whispers low in her ear, "I'll say I broke a nail."
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