Aug 23, 2004 22:46
YAY! A post!
Really, it's just the same old, same old.
Our computer's being a big stupid again. No surprises here.
I still haven't found a job. Applied at a couple places. My dad wants me to go work with him on this project for a couple weeks at $12/hour but he hasn't gotten it approved with his boss yet. I threw my whole sleeping schedule out of whack, though. And now I don't know if it even needed to be done.
I finally finished all four seasons of Friends that I have. I had seasons one and four for the longest time but not two and three. A friend of the family was supposed to get them for me for graduation but he couldn't make it out ot my graduation party. Matt got me one and my mom got me four. I watched season one and had to wait forever to get the other ones. So I just got those two seasons a like 2 weeks ago. And I watched them in like 3 days. :0) And I just finished season four this morning.
I have a weird thing going on with my breathing right now. I feel like I'm not getting enough air. So I keep taking deep breaths. But that hurts. There's a spot in the middle of my back on the left side that just HURTS when I take a deep breath.
The YMCA sent me a check from when I used to work there. From back in April when I lost it, so they had to have it re-issued. And then I never got that one. It was supposed to come to me in the mail and didn't. So I called my old boss and told her I never got it, and she called the bank to let them know, and I still never got it. So I just gave up. Well the Y called me last week sometime and said they had my check. So I gave them my new address and now I'm $170 richer. :0) I'm gunna give about half of it to my mom.
Yea, right now I'm just sitting here (trying not to breathe deep) waiting for Matt to call and come get me.
I had ice cream for dinner. :0)