Oct 26, 2009 09:05
Last night I dreamed that I was working in a TV studio as a researcher. When who to my not-surprise should appear wanting to be let in the back door? Gareth David-Lloyd. Dressed as Ianto, mind you. But he was NOT Ianto in the dream. He was GDL. And we were on a first-name basis. Then he went off to whatever he was doing.
I must point out that he was wearing a lovely dark almost black navy suit, a medium pink shirt and a cream color silk tie.
God, I dream suit porn.
Then I was accosted by a fangirl who was all like, 'oooh, Ianto, OMG!' And I just looked at her and said, 'no, that was GDL. No big deal. Now, leave him alone.'
Yeah, I'm like that in real life.
suit porn