Fic: Five Times Emmett Didn't Meet Elle (Legally Blonde, 4/5)

Feb 01, 2009 10:44

TITLE: Five Times Emmett Didn’t Meet Elle
AUTHOR: empressearwig
PAIRING: Emmett/Elle, with mentions of Elle/Warner and Warner/Vivienne
SUMMARY: What if Elle hadn’t ended up at Harvard Law…
DISCLAIMER: The characters of the Legally Blonde: The Musical belong to their owner. No copyright infringement intended.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to normative_jean for reading this first.

Part 4: Bruiser’s Not a Dog, Bruiser’s Family

Emmett paused outside the door where his two o’clock meeting was scheduled to take place. He took a deep breath, mentally steeling himself for another meeting with everyone in the legal department’s favorite student activist. Dealing with Enid was always an experience.

Somehow, when he’d been slaving away at Harvard, he’d never quite pictured winding up as a lawyer for UCLA, responsible for dealing with student activists.

He looked down at the notes he’d been given about Enid’s cause this week. The question mark next to Enid’s co-instigator’s name stood out at him. Frowning, he thought about his attempts to gather any idea of what she was like.

Unlike Enid, this girl had no prior history of student activism, so none of the other lawyers in the administration office had ever dealt with her. The university-provided information of her major (fashion merchandising) and activities (president of a sorority) only confused him further. This girl was not Enid’s normal associate, and Emmett wasn’t really sure what he’d find on the other side of the door.

To say he was surprised by what he found would have been an understatement.

Enid was her normal self, with dark rimmed glasses, long unkempt hair, camo jacket, and t-shirt with her cause-of-the-week’s slogan. But the person sitting next to her was most decidedly not the same.

The woman seated next to Enid was, for all intents and purposes, her polar opposite. Long, meticulously groomed blonde hair framed her face. She wore make up. And she was wearing a pale pink sweater set, making a stark contrast to Enid. To top it all off, the girl was beautiful.

Realizing he’d stopped in the doorway and was staring, Emmett shook his head, and walked to the conference table. “Good morning,” he said. He reached across the table to shake Enid’s hand. “Enid, always a pleasure to see you.”

Enid returned the handshake. “Your turn in the rotation, eh, Emmett?” She asked cheekily. “I’m glad, you’re so much more fun to deal with anyways.”

“I’m flattered… I think,” Emmett answered dryly. He turned to her companion. “I’m Emmett Forrest, and you are?” He asked, extending his hand in greeting.

The blonde woman extended a hand. “Elle Woods.”

“It’s very nice to meet you.” Emmett seated himself opposite them. “So what are we here to talk about today?” He looked at Enid expectantly.

To his surprise, it was Elle that answered.

“Mr. Forrest, are you aware that the university has regular dealings with companies that have no policies against animal testing?”

Emmett blinked, and focused his attention on Elle. “First of all, please call me Emmett. Second of all, I can’t say I was aware of that. Is there a company in particular that troubles you?”

Elle looked at Enid, who produced a piece of paper and slid it across the table to Emmett. “That’s a list of companies whom the university allows on campus for various recruitment, sponsorship, or research purposes. Obviously, all of their involvement is troubling, but personally, the two that bother me most are Prima Cosmetics and Bella Apparel.”

“Any reason those two stand out?” Emmett asked, scanning the rest of the list.

“I was a consumer of both brands before I made the discovery about their policies.”

“Can I ask what exactly you’d like the administration to do about this?” Emmett glanced at Enid warily. This was usually the portion of these meetings where she erupted.

But again, it was Elle who answered. “We’d like the university to commit to denying these companies access to university facilities or resources for the purposes of recruitment or selling their products.”

Emmett studied the women across from him for a long moment. This meeting was not turning out anything like what he’d expected. Enid passively sitting by and letting someone else do the talking, and a proposal that wasn’t entirely unreasonable as a solution to a legitimate concern. Normally he was accused of being an agent of “the man” and a capitalist pig, but here he was being conversed with rationally.

He didn’t know who this Elle Woods was, but he wanted her to be in all his Enid-meetings if they were going to go like this.

“Ladies, I’m sympathetic to your concerns. And I think you’ve presented a potential solution that I can easily take back to the administration. Thank you for that.” He smiled at them. “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?”

Enid opened her mouth to speak, but a look from Elle cut her off.

“No thank you, Emmett,” Elle answered. “I’m sure you’re a busy man, and we don’t want to take up anymore of your time.”

From beside her, Enid snorted.

Elle shot her another look. “Do we, Enid?”

As meekly as she was capable of, “No, we don’t.” Shifting her focus to Emmett, she added, “Thanks for meeting with us. Don’t tell anyone I behaved myself, alright? I don’t want it getting around. It’ll ruin my reputation.”

Emmett laughed. “I’ll see what I can do about not besmirching your good name.” He stood. Reaching across the table once more, he shook hands with them both, and said, “Enid, it’s always a pleasure to see you. Elle, very nice to meet you. Come to more of these, alright? You’re clearly a good influence.”

Elle laughed herself. “Enid was just nice enough to let me tag along.”

“Don’t let her fool you Emmett,” Enid interjected, “she’s the one that brought this to my attention.”

Elle blushed. “I just had an interest. Enid’s the one who made this happen.”

“Well, whatever the series of events, this has been the most productive meeting Enid and I have ever had, so thank you,” Emmett said. He held open the door, and waited for the women to file out.

The group paused momentarily outside the door.

“Till next time, Enid.” Emmett looked at Elle. “And I was serious before. I hope you’re at more of these. I think you have a knack for this.”

Elle smiled. “We’ll see, I suppose. Good-bye Emmett.” She tugged Enid down the hall.

Emmett watched them walk away. He smiled slightly, and turned to return to his office. He looked back down at the notes he’d brought with him, and at the question mark he’d placed next to Elle’s name.

He still wasn’t sure what to make of her, but now more than ever, he wanted an answer to that question. Who was Elle Woods?

fandom: legally blonde

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