Ficlet: And It's Beginning to Snow (GH, Molly/Cameron, Lanaverse)

Oct 25, 2008 08:55

Title: And It's Beginning to Snow
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 93 - Shiver
Pairing/Character(s): Molly/Cameron
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 836
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the extended Lana!AU.
Summary: “You mean to tell me that I was out her freezing to death because you were playing a video game?”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus and for leobrat who is their biggest fan.

Molly stood on the docks waiting for Cameron.

Normally she wouldn’t mind that the launch was running late, because she liked watching the people come and go and the boats out in the harbor. But tonight, the first truly cold night that Port Charles had felt that winter was not one of those nights.

Her almost curly brown hair was covered by a red wool hat that matched the color of her nose; a nose that she swore was going numb from the cold. A matching scarf was wound tightly around her neck and was tucked into her black pea coat. She rubbed her mitten covered hands together frantically trying to keep them warm.

Finally, the light from the launch appeared, and Molly let out a sigh of relief, which immediately became visible.

Cameron bounded off the launch, with only his letterman’s jacket to protect him from the cold night air. When he caught sight of Molly shivering in the cold, he laughed a little, even as he rushed to put his arm around her shoulders.

“Why didn’t you text me that you’d meet me at Kelly’s instead?” he scolded as he started to steer her in that direction. “You’re freezing!”

“Wasn’t so cold when I started waiting,” Molly managed to say between chattering teeth. “And if the launch had been on time, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.”

A guilty expression crossed Cameron’s face. “That was actually my fault,” he apologized. “Kicking Jake’s ass in Grand Theft Auto took longer than I thought it would.”

Molly stopped in her tracks right as they were in the middle of crossing Vine Street. “You mean to tell me that I was out her freezing to death because you were playing a video game?”

Cameron tried to tug her out of the middle of the street. “Sorry?” he tried.

“Cameron Steven Spencer!” Molly exclaimed, swatting him as she let him pull her onto the sidewalk. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go home right this instant!”

He tried to pull her into his arms and finally managed, though her arms were crossed over her chest and her normally sunny face had a scowl on it. “Because I’m sorry?” he tried, smiling the impish grin that always worked on his mother.

Molly shook her head. “Not good enough, mister.”

“Because it’s freezing and your parents will never let me see you again if you come home with pneumonia, so really we should go to Kelly’s and finish this fight?” he tried again, growing more desperate. Molly’s Cassadine-born ability to hold a grudge didn’t surface often, but when it did he knew it was impossible to move her till she was ready.

“I’m never going to let you see me again if you don’t come up with a better reason than that,” Molly said archly, though the teeth chattering marred some of the effect.

Cameron took a deep breath. There was no choice left but to pull out the big guns, though this was hardly the setting he’d imagined divulging this information in. He looked deeply into Molly’s eyes, and with complete sincerity said, “Because I love you.”

Molly’s breath caught in her chest. She knew she loved Cameron, she’d thought that he loved her too, but till he said it out loud, she hadn’t really believed it. All she could do was stare at him in disbelief, utterly speechless.

Cameron shook her a little. “Molly, did you hear what I said?” he asked her urgently, strain creeping into his voice.

She nodded, still unable to find words.

“Did you maybe want to say something back?” Cameron tried, not wanting to seem too desperate, but need to hear the words in return.

Molly closed her eyes for a moment and took a calming breath. When she opened them again, she beamed up at Cameron and nodded. Love shone from her eyes as she said, “I love you, too.”

Cameron smiled back down at her, relief and happiness warring in his eyes. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

Before she could say more, Cameron swooped down to capture her lips. Molly’s arms wound around his neck, and the two teenagers kissed for a long moment, oblivious to the world.

Overhead, snow lightly began to fall, and not till it hit their already chilled skin did they notice, so wrapped up in each other were they.

Cameron pulled back first, and Molly looked up at the sky in wonder. He finally noticed that she was still shivering, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He started steering her down Hudson and asked, a hint of teasing in his voice, “So Mol, how much of that shivering is because your body’s gone numb from the cold and how much of it is because of me?”

A high peal of laughter rang out as Molly swatted lightly at his chest. They continued towards Kelly’s, mostly in silence as they both replayed what had happened in their heads.

The snow continued to fall.

couple: molly lansing/cameron spencer, fandom: gh the next generation, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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