Title: Attends the Seeking
empressearwigPrompt: 65 - The Hardest Part
Pairing/Character(s): Jax, Brenda, Robin
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 882
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the extended Lana!AU.
Summary: "We’re pretty sure that something awful happened, something that you should know about.”
Author's Notes: Written for
Robin opened the door to find Jasper Jacks standing on the other side. )
Comments 4
First of all, so glad you put the disgusting issue that starts with the letter 'C' (fill in the rest on your own) out of the picture at the get-go.
I love how consumed Jax is by her immediately. This is the way it would always be between them, they just can't fight it.
And yep, they can't help it. It's why they're meant to be.
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