Ficlet: Something There That Wasn't There Before (GH, Robin/Patrick, Maxie, Lucky, Lana Verse)

Jul 27, 2008 08:15

Title: Something There That Wasn't There Before
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 83 - Promise
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Maxie, Lucky, Lana
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 1208
Spoilers/Warnings: It's all AU.
Summary: “We’d like to ask the two of you to be Alanna’s godparents.”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Lucky rang the doorbell at Robin and Patrick’s house. While waiting for someone to answer the door, he shuffled back and forth awkwardly. He was about to press the doorbell again, when suddenly the door opened, revealing Maxie.

“Well, well,” she drawled, propping a hand against the doorframe. “What are you doing here?”

“Robin called to invite me,” Lucky answered. He shook his head. “Wait, why am I explaining that to you?” He nodded his head towards her hand. “Are you going to let me in?”

Wordlessly, Maxie removed her hand and stepped back, letting him into the house. Closing the door, she turned around and stared at Lucky for a moment. Then Robin walked into the living room carrying a just woken Alanna, and her attention was diverted.

“Thanks for coming over, Lucky,” Robin greeted. She nodded her head towards the baby in her arms. “I’d hug you, but my hands are sort of full.”

He laughed softly. “Believe me, I understand. I remember when Jake was that tiny.” He took a few steps closer and looked down at the baby. “She’s gorgeous Robin.” Lucky looked around the room. “Where’s Patrick? I’m surprised he let either of you out of his sight for a minute.”

“Believe me, I am too,” Robin said dryly. “He’s in the kitchen getting her bottle ready. He’ll be out in a minute.” She sank down into one of the chairs. “Please, sit down.” She looked over at her cousin. “I see you’re making yourself at home, Maxie.”

“What’s yours is mine, right?” Maxie chirped. She held her breath as Lucky sat down on the couch next to her. Despite the wrongness of the circumstances, she’d certainly never had to fake her attraction to Lucky. That might have been the only real thing that had happened that summer. To distract herself, she looked over at her cousin and daughter. “Is that the outfit I bought her?”

“One of them,” Robin acknowledged. She heard footsteps behind her, and turned to see Patrick walking into the room.

“Hey Lucky,” Patrick said. He settled himself on the arm of Robin’s chair, handing over the bottle to her. “Thanks for coming.” He looked down at Robin and Alanna, who was now eagerly eating. “You didn’t ask them yet, did you?”

Lucky and Maxie looked sideways at each other. Then they turned to Robin and Patrick and asked in unison, “Ask us what?”

Robin looked up at Patrick. “No, I hadn’t.” She looked down at Alanna, shifting the angle of the bottle slightly, before looking over at Lucky and Maxie. “We’d like to ask the two of you to be Alanna’s godparents.”


Robin chuckled slightly at the Lucky and Maxie’s joint reaction. “We’d like the two of you to be Alanna’s godparents,” she repeated.

Maxie spoke first. “Robin, I love you and her, and you know I’m honored, but don’t you want to ask Brenda? She is your best friend.”

Robin shrugged. “She is, and I know Brenda will always be here for Alanna, but she’ll never move back to Port Charles. We want someone who will be here for the day to day stuff, someone that Alanna can have a real relationship with. And Maxie, Brenda might be my best friend, but you are my surrogate sister. That is at least as important.”

Maxie smiled widely, discreetly wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “You know you’re consigning her to a childhood filled with designer clothes and if I have it my way, having her first word be Gucci, right?”

“As if that wouldn’t be the case if Brenda were her godmother?” Patrick commented dryly. Turning more serious, he added, “We really want you to do this Maxie. What do you say?”

“Yes, of course I will.” Maxie rose and crossed the room to hug Robin and Patrick. She knelt down in front of Robin and wiggled Alanna’s bootie covered foot. “Hear that kid? You’re stuck with me.” She rose and sat back down on the couch next to Lucky.

“Are you guys sure you asked the right brother?” Lucky asked. “Robin, you’ve always been closer to Nikolas, and Patrick, I’m pretty sure you hate me. Don’t you want to ask him or Jax, for that matter? He used to be one of your best friends, Robin.”

“Used to be, being the operative phrase there.” Robin pulled the bottle away from Alanna, handing it off to Patrick to be set aside. “I love Jax and always will, but as long as he is connected to Carly, he is going to have a peripheral role in my daughter’s life. As for Nikolas,” she looked up at Patrick, “given some things that happened while I was pregnant, Patrick isn’t comfortable with the idea.” She looked at Lucky with a serious expression on her face. “You’re the son of my father’s best friend. I’ve known you for years, your parents were there for me during an incredibly difficult period in my life, and you are wonderful with your own children. Alanna would be lucky, no pun intended, to have you in her life.”

“I don’t hate you, Lucky,” Patrick added. “Have I always liked the way you’ve handled things? No, but you are a devoted father and one of Robin’s friends and since I don’t have a lot of friends or family of my own to draw on, I’m deferring to Robin’s judgment on this.”

Robin smiled at Lucky gently. “Say yes.”

Lucky looked back and forth between Robin and Patrick’s expectant faces, and sighed. “Okay, yes, I’m honored you asked. I will gladly be her godfather.”

“Thank you both so much,” Robin said happily. She looked down at the little girl who was once again sleeping in her arms. “I’m going to go put her down.”

Lucky looked down at his watch. “I actually need to get back to the station.” He rose and took a few steps and bent down to hug Robin and shake Patrick’s hand. “Give me a call to work out the details?”

Robin nodded. “Of course. And Lucky, thank you again.”

“I really am honored you asked.” He smiled. “She’s a beautiful little girl. Bye guys.” He crossed the room and was about to leave when Maxie called out, “Hey Lucky, wait a minute. I need to go talk to Mac, can you give me a ride?”

Lucky frowned. “Sure, I guess.” He watched Maxie hug Robin and Patrick again, and then suddenly she was at his side, looking up at him. “Ready to go?”

“Always.” He opened the door and watched her preceded him outside. Once on the porch, they both paused to take a deep breath. Lucky snuck a glance at Maxie’s profile. “So, godparents together, huh? Sort of strange.”

Maxie looked over at him, a slight smile on her face. “Not so strange,” she said mysteriously. “We’ve always been connected, after all.” She nudged him with her elbow. “We’re totally going to spoil her rotten, right?”

“Of course,” Lucky said, smiling back at her.

They grinned at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. They walked down the steps together and off towards Lucky’s car.

Robin watched from the window, and wondered what would happen next.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, couple: lucky spencer/maxie jones, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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