Ficlet: How Does Your Garden Grow? (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lana Verse)

Jul 26, 2008 09:01

Title: How Does Your Garden Grow?
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 5 - Flowers
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Lana
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I only wish they were mine.
Word Count: 767
Spoilers/Warnings: It's all AU.
Summary: "I kill plants."
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Robin knelt on the grass in front of the house, preparing one of the flower beds to be filled with flowers.

“Mommy!” Lana shouted from behind her, as she raced up to give Robin a hug. “What are you doing?”

Robin returned the hug, careful not to smear dirt all over Lana’s clothes. She looked back at Lana’s nanny, and said, “Hi Sarah, thanks for taking her to Molly’s for me.” Robin looked up at Lana’s smiling face, and added, “I’m planting our garden, do you want to help?”

Lana nodded eagerly and knelt down on the grass next to her mother. “What do I do?”

Robin and Sarah both laughed, and Robin said, “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? I’ll be home for the rest of the day and this was supposed to be your weekend off anyway.”

“Are you sure?” Sarah asked. She looked down at her watch. “I do have some stuff I was planning on doing…”

“Go,” Robin ordered. “And thank you again for watching her, sorry to mess up your weekend.”

With a final smile, Sarah headed for her car in the driveway and headed out. Lana waved good-bye and then turned her attention back to her mother.

“So what are we doing?” Lana asked.

“We’re going to plant all these flowers that you see, so that our garden looks pretty,” Robin explained. “Here, I’ll dig a hole and you can hand me a flower and then we’ll trade, okay?” Robin dug a hole while Lana watched intently. “Can you hand me one of those red flowers?”

Lana frowned. “How do I get it out?” She asked, holding onto the plastic container, puzzlement running through her voice.

“Oops,” Robin said, a sheepish expression on her face. She took the container from Lana and demonstrated. “You just sort of snap it out, see?”

Lana tried to copy, but her much smaller hands couldn’t quite get the grip she needed. “I don’t think this is going to work.”

Robin laughed. “Here, you dig and I’ll put the flowers in.” She handed Lana the small shovel she’d been using. “Just like I did, okay?”

Mother and daughter settled into an easy rhythm of Lana digging holes and Robin filling them with flowers. They were just about finished when Patrick’s voice came from behind them.

“What on earth are you two doing?” He asked curiously.

“Daddy!” Lana scrambled to her feet and threw her arms around her father’s legs, with no regard for the fact that her hands were coated in dirt.

Patrick laughed and tried to disentangle Lana from his legs. “Hi there, short stuff. I take it you missed me in the whole twelve hours since you saw me last?”

“I did, I did, I did!” She chanted, smiling up at her father.

Robin rose to her feet and stretched up on her toes to give Patrick a welcoming kiss. “She’s not the only one,” she said just quietly enough for Patrick to hear.

He arched an eyebrow. “Really? We’ll explore that later,” he teased. He looked back down at Lana who was bouncing up and down at his side. “Okay, seriously, who gave you sugar?”

Lana stopped bouncing for a moment and looked puzzled. “Nobody.” She shrugged. “I’m just happy you’re home with me and Mommy.”

“Me too,” Patrick said, running a hand across the top of Lana’s head. He tilted her face upwards so he could see it. “Why is there dirt running across your cheeks?”

Robin laughed. “It’s kind of hard to plant flowers without getting dirty,” she pointed out. “Lana, do you want to go get cleaned up while I finish up? Then we can start dinner, okay?”

Lana shook her head. “No, I want Daddy to help us finish planting the flowers.”

“No, I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” Patrick protested. “I kill plants.”

“I think you just don’t want to get your surgeon’s hands dirty,” Robin teased. “I think it’s a great idea, actually. You help Lana with the flowers, and I’ll go start dinner for all of us, since I gave Sarah the rest of the day off, seeing as she should have had it to begin with.”

Lana tugged Patrick over to the flower bed and onto the ground. “Now, I’m going to dig a hole and you have to put the flowers into it,” she explained.

Patrick looked confused. “How do I get the flowers out of the things?”

Robin laughed and headed back into the house, leaving her five year old to explain things to her clueless father.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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