Be Here Now....

Sep 27, 2007 14:48

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the woman, N, that I'm talking to. I've looked at the potential between us and I can see it clearly.  I really would like to have that picture in my life! But I've been working to clear the energy around that picture so that we/I could have that. Today I received an email from here and in it she spoke about how much she is enjoying what we by day. Just as well, that she is taking it day by day. *For this I am grateful*

Everything clicked.  I realized I wasn't living in the moment. I was fixated on a picture that was only a potential. In the mean time I was missing out on all the good things that were right in front of me.  Moments like, hearing the voice of someone you really like. Freely sharing in conversation. The humor and amusement that is shared. Discovering new things about someone....maybe even yourself.  I was missing all this because I was caught up in the future.

It's amusing saying the last woman I was with was fixated on a picture of my potential.....and it really frustrated me. Because she was not seeing me. Right here. Right now. And here I am....learning how my own fixations work! *laughs*

But this can happen in anything. Examples. Making sure you have everything before you start that new project you've been wanting to do for three years now.  Wanting to know everything before you make that  career change. Looking for Prince or Princess that will complete everyone.  Not believing in your own strength unless you are the wizard that everyone can see in you. Imagining your life as a size two but not seeing how much you've achieved already.  Wishing you had a ton of friends to have fun with....but what about the one's you have now?

When we move out of the future and into the present it can create massive change in our lives. Our eyes open. Our soul gets a chance to breath new air; have new adventures.  When we move into the present moment we can experience life in a new way. We have the opportunity to really feel what is happing around us. We learn that when we how great putting up that little post it that said "I am abundant" or "I am a rock and roll star" or "I am the owner of my own creative business" we see how wonderful it really is. How big a step or seemly small steps are. They are only small if we are comparing it to the future. Our gratitude becomes enormous and we look at life saying, "Why not smile...."  There is no reason not too. We truly are blessed each and everyday. We grow and learn something new with each step we take. Living in the moment helps us to really incorporate all these lessons into our lives and to have more compassion for others. Because, not only have we been through that....but we know exactly what it all means.

So take a second.....come back into the body........breath in the air......see the good in everyone......feel your connection to not only the earth but to everyone.... be spontaneous......see yourself as perfect in this moment ( Because you always are. And so is everything around you )........relax and just enjoy being here for now.....

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