Back from Barcelona and getting in the swing of things....

Nov 27, 2007 13:29

Barcelona was absolutely amazing!!! I am so happy I went and I was able to see so much in the little time I was there. The weather wasn't completely sunny but it was perfect enough for me. I stayed in a hostel right on the sea! That was incredible in itself. It happened to be the cheapest option and in a perfect location. I watched the sunrise over ( Read more... )


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shioneh November 28 2007, 10:42:13 UTC
ooh, the trip sounds so full of magic!

I LOVE the story of the Texan lady who reached out and hugged you ♥ The fact you were sat next to a lifeguard really struck me too and that you said he was like an angel.

I don't know what to make of it, but in my experience, when I'm travelling (which I find really pretty scary, especially on planes) I somehow get magnetically drawn to people who can help me through the experience. I met one guy who talked philosophy and politics with me for 8 hours straight as if we'd known each other forever when I was going to Georgia! I was so terrified during that flight and if he hadn't been there I don't know how I'd have done it. Meeting him actally energized me and made me feel I was on the right track and soothed my anxiety. And on the way to Glasgow from Belgium just recently, I met another very sweet guy who ALSO talked to me about philosophy with me and and totally took my mind off the flight. It's surprising to me because I am SO shy and I hardly ever talk to strangers least of all amazingly interesting exciting ones that want to talk about serious things but on planes when I am super-scared I often meet these people who seem guide me through it ♥ Anyway, I'm glad that you were next to the calm lifeguard and that you met the texan woman who made you feel connected to your mom! ♥

Anyway, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience on the way over! That sounds like a really unusual and upsetting experience. I think it sounds like you dealt with it really really well ♥

I am so envious about the Gaudi! mmmmmm i love Gaudi! I think Barcelona sounds so beautiful, it's definitely the next place I want to visit.



earthy_goddess November 28 2007, 11:23:41 UTC
Thanks, love! The trip was full of magic. I had a great time being able to just wander around the city with no real agenda (except to see everything by Gaudi of course). I love Gaudi too...his death was such a sad thing.

It is neat to hear about your experiences with drawing people to you who are able to help take your mind off flying through good conversation. I can sense in general and through your writings there must be something about you which draws people to you. I know I would love to sit next to you on a plane/bus/bench...

I enjoy meeting people through various journeys and I have been fortunate to sit next to some great people as well. It definitely helps to ease one's mind because being on a plane is scary. I think it is great you are able to overcome that fear and continue to fly. Thanks for your thoughts. I am so happy to see you on LJ more!!! I truly can not express this clearly but perhaps I will be able to soon... I just think so much of you.


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