I am finished!!!

Jun 14, 2007 09:25

I have passed all of my exams! I am in somewhat of a disbelief because of how challenging this year was for me. I honestly thought I could fail several of the papers, and I would have, if I had not performed as well in my oral exams. This has been an interesting program to study with due to all of the obstacles I have faced. I will attempt to process this year as a unwind from my overly stressed state. My life will continue to be crazy because now I have to prepare to move to Spain. I will study there a semester and so I need to get my visa, find housing, etc. I will also go home this summer....I am searching for cheap flights right now and I can't find anything for under $1000. :(  I have a lot of things to take care in Denmark too and I want to travel some this summer. Life will not settle down for a while. At least for now I can breathe a sigh of relief!


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