Life picked up...

Jun 10, 2007 11:48

I am not even sure where to begin. I have certainly wanted to write more but my life has been a sudden whirlwind. I moved at the end of May to a place closer to the city. It was a last minute decision because I was planning to remain in my apartment until the end of July. The problem was I couldn't afford that and so when I found this room I took it to save the money. Plus there is the added bonus of being closer to more activity. The train station is about a five minute walk and there is only a few stops until you are in the heart of Copenhagen. Everything is for the most part within a 20 minute bike/train radius. The interesting part about moving is now NT and I have flatmates. At the moment there are three couples living here. We are a truly international household with people from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, and the US.  I will have to write more about this later. I don't have the time to elaborate because I have to prepare for exams.

I had my first two oral exams and those went well. I was convinced I would fail both of them but I passed. I worked hard to be ready for the oral examination but it was still tough. I am very relieved to be half way finished! I have another exam tomorrow and then my last on Wednesday. I am really hoping to pass because I don't want to have to worry about them over the summer. The Danish system is very different because here it is okay to fail because then you can just do it again. There have been two people in my program already who have failed. If I can perform well in my oral exams then I will be okay.

I *will* post more after these exams. Life will continue to be busy but I will have more time to relax. I will be able to write in replace of the time I am studying or worrying. I promise to post pictures (kmiotutsie)  ;-) and answer your request Bel. I wish all the best to everyone.

life, school

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