A while ago on
500year_diary the weekly prompt was "Pathos" and I decided to do an Adric/Four picture. Here is a link to the picture, and my write up for it:
Um. Well, this looked a lot cooler in my head. But I didn't use a pose (couldn't find anything suitable), and I barely used photo refrences, and it's like, characters I rarely ever draw and I spent about 20 minutes coloring it because I suck. But, anyway. When I first thought of pathos, and things that made me sad, I thought of Four falling off the tower and dying. This never happened in the series, but I guess I sort of wanted it to. *cough*
Not that the Doctor reciprocated remotely in like when the roles were reversed. Anyway. Spoilers for Logopolis if you know what I mean. I like Adric, okay? STFU.
Pathos, (4/Adric), G )
Sadly, I think it almost looks more like Three, haha. Anyway. :)