Of the five ficlets, only the third one has Adric, and for an Adric-fic it's a bit simple. But it fits the comm, so here it is:
Five Things That Didn’t Happen To, Because Of, In Spite Of, Or In The Proximity Of Rose Tyler
Spoilers through Age of Steel
Characters: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, Rose, Sarah Jane Smith, various canon others
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, I'm just playing in the BBC's sandbox. Apologies to both Peter Gabriel and Jethro Tull for using lines from their songs for ficlet titles.
Rating: Gen
Summary: Five unrelated AU ficlets. I just wrote 'em to get 'em out of my head while I was working on something else. Some angst, some joy, some humor, and some OMG-I-can't-believe-she-wrote-that!
Thanks to my long-suffering beta
tiggymalvern -- aside from all the regular beta-things, she's the one who made sure all the British voices aren't worse than Rose trying to sound Scottish.
Also, thanks to
basingstoke for the very first Five Things story ("Five Things That Aren't True", Smallville, Clark/Lex, on
this page.)
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