This and that (again)

May 30, 2007 09:14

I had a crazy ass dream last night. I don't remember much, except I was driving somewhere with my friend. I came from my house, but it looked like the dark side of Portland. We had this cardboard box with a sort of small trough in it, which was supposed to serve as a enclosure for a rabbit or kitten (or some small furry thing). At some point it drowned in the trough. Later we found a very small lamb (about 9 inches high) inside the car. We put it in the box and went inside somewhere. Sure enough, when we came out, it was face down in the trough. I just stared in disgust and horror, but my friend pulled it out and began pushing on the sides of its ribcage, pumping out more water than its body could possibly hold, and eventually it was resusicated. That's all I really remember, though there was a lot more. I think some dude I knew in high school named Chip was there at some point. (Yes, I actually went to high school with a computer nerd named Chip.) Later I dreamt I was Bender wreaking havoc in a book store that was too small to be Powell's but too large to be Borders or Barnes and Noble's. It involved kicking small robots down spiraling flights of stairs. Buildings that go up and up and eventually come to some forgotten level are a recurring theme in my dreams...

Things at 2k5 seem to have changed suddenly. In just a few months it went from Decepticons dominating the IC playerbase to Autobots and humans (yes, humans), with Decepticons mostly gathering for TPs. I wish I had the oomph to go IC anymore. I just can't get into it these days. I get small bursts every six months or so, but that's it. The last time I went IC it had a bunch of admins playing the dinobots for some reason and attacking a Decepticon base. Awfully shady. There was a good twenty minute wait between doing poses. Faction turns are a terrible idea for that many people. Plus people were dropping off the MUSH left and right, without posing out, so it was just a big mess. I need to get IC for something besides big spammy fights. I'd like to support 2k5, the Decepticons, and RP by example, but I don't want to half-ass it. I keep entertaining the notion of a surprise app at Mega Man, but right now that seems unlikely.

Also, I've been having trouble for ages with this one damn thing. I have tons of old VHS tapes of Liquid Television and other things, and I want to back them up, as they are getting pretty old. I have the (not very cheap) hardware and did the thing... to find the video and audio progressively get out of synch. I got more RAM. Still the same problem. I've done searches on the internet, to find this is a widespread problem not specific to one program or piece of hardware. I've seen a thousand boards with a thousand people asking the question, with a thousand different very-specific answers. I've never found a 'Well, this is what causes it and this is the sort of thing you can do to fix it.' It's always, 'Change this setting in this program or buy this new piece of hardware.' If anyone has any knowledge about this, help!

mushes, 2k5, dreams

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