
Jun 22, 2008 10:43

I started revealing much of myself on this blog pretty early on. It was an experiment, partly on myself and partly on my readers. I was thinking about the results of this.

First, I think we're trained from an early stage to fear ridicule above all else. Avoiding being different or admitting to weakness are the two easiest ways to do this. Thus we're trained never to admit to weakness, and to attack anyone who does show weakness. We're trained to not allow ourselves the leeway of making mistakes, and to be ashamed of those mistakes. Anyone who complains is dismissed as a whiner. I wonder if I have created this sort of image among my readers, many of whom I consider friends. I hope I can foster a relationship with each of you where we can be completely honest about our anxieties and concerns.

I don't think I have problems at least one other person on this blog doesn't have. My problems and concerns and fears are not unique, but I wear them on my sleeve. By admitting these things, I can understand them and defeat them. (Though I have a theory about unlimited fears; ask me some time.) I ask you this: has my openness about my personal life changed your perceptions of me?

myself, philosophy

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