Hard to please

Jun 14, 2008 11:15

Socially, I'm hard to please. I like to be alone most of the time, so when I am around people, I want it to be quality time. I don't want to go clubbing or partying or be in any sort of huge crowd. I don't want music so loud I can't hear what's going on. I don't want everyone drunk so that they're not my friends but generic drunk people. This is why I hate parties like my friend throws: they last about 4-8 hours, and I end up spending about one hour total talking to people I like. The rest of the time I spend sitting around bored in the quietest corner I can find.

What I like to do is get a few interesting and reasonably intelligent people and talk to them. We can talk about gaming, philosophy, politics, our lives, or whatever. We can sit around, we can go to a resteraunt, we can walk outside or at a mall. That's not important. I have a serious lack of this in my life.

I've tried to get it online, but I haven't been around anyone who clicks with me in like... five years or more, now that I think about it. Sure, I like talking to Cookie, but let's face it: we're probably both dumber at the ends of our conversations than we were going in. When I started MUSHing I enjoyed talking to DreadTread, Shaun, and Monzo the most, I think. I remember very distinctly a conversation between myself, Monzo, and Dreadtread about role-playing. I always tried to talk to Shaun at M3, but he was so busy as director and so popular that it was like my friend's parties as described above: I just got to say hi and he was off to talk to someone else. I actually got along really well with Crazy Rumble for a long time, which is why it was so stunning to me when she stopped talking to me forever over a disagreement on how Ultima Online was being run. Sarah/Crescendo was just awesome and I was pretty sad when she left. We were creatively more on the same page than anyone else I've MUSHed with I think. I don't mention her nearly often enough. Zach was the best person to talk to about video games ever; Shaun was cool about it, but he was a big fanboy when it came to company loyalty. There was an X-Men MUSH that I used to hang out at as a guest, and one dude there was really cool to talk to. One winter early in my MUSHing career, when late-night o-decepticon wasn't going, I'd stay up way into the night talking to him, until my fingers were numb from the cold. I have met lots of people I enjoyed talking to (gratuitious Tallie mention) since, but none that, as I said, really clicked!

Whew, that digression got spammy. I wonder why it is that I met so many people early on that I felt close to, but so few later. Perhaps it is me that has changed. I often longed for solitude, but now that I have it, I find it maddening. Like it or not, human beings are social animals...


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