Cowboy Bebop

Nov 04, 2007 11:31

Man, I need to sit and watch this on DVD. I have only watched it piecemeal, though I think I've seen it all. It's unique in that it's almost all filler episodes, with only about four episodes that have any kind of ongoing plot or relevance that's not self-contained. The first time through I basically only missed those four episodes. The show is good, but the characters make me nuts -- I must be really tired: I'm hearing the Doogie Howser music while I type this... Okay, I had to stand up and laugh that one off. Moving on! Spike is so one-dimensional. Spike is probably why I like Outlaw Star better. Gene grows and develops and matures. Spike is probably at least as dumb at the end of the show as he was at the beginning. I almost like Faye, but she has no common sense, and gets all soft and gooshy at the drop of a hat. At least she dresses like a hooker and has purple hair. That's worth something. Jett is cool, though sort of bland.

The bad guy pisses me off the most. Not only is he a generic bloodthirsty pretty boy -- like there aren't already 10,000 of those in anime, right? -- he screws everything up. In a plot strangely similar to Blade, he destroys the old order who had things going fine and the villain blows it all up in a burst of misguided pride. Then he shows what a mistake it was by dying and basically leaving nothing behind of a once-great baddie association. Idiots. It just goes to show my motto: there's nothing so great and foolproof you can build that someone stupid can't ruin in an instant.

Anyways, good show, but god some of that stuff bugs me to no end! :)

tv, animation

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