I’m a big fungi fan and I’ve recently discovered there’s something strange and unfamiliar in the garden!
I’ve had the Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica for twenty years now. They spread slowly, unlike their cousins that have the common name of Mother-in-Tongue, are flat, spread fast and can take over a garden spot very quickly. The Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica are round and solid and my quick name for them is spears. Anyway, one morning after about a week of rain every day I saw something new to me around the base of every one of them that I have out back. At first look I thought it was their flower, but upon closer examination quickly changed my mind and now I know it is a fungi of some sort. I did look it up and believe it is a Crowned Tipped Coral Fungi.
As days went by, I took pictures and could see different colors and what they look like after they open. The rain, birds and squirrels have been brutal to them, especially once they open, but they are little survivors. I read they that are edible and very tasty when cooked, but I’m a little hesitant to try them. Wondering if anyone had any experience with them?
Lots more pictures