I have always had an attraction or love affair with the imperfect, aging, dying things around me that are on their way out or have withstood the test of time. Wabi-sabi is the Japanese concept that encourages people to accept the beauty of flaws and rawness in natural things. Instead of striving for perfection, this belief embraces letting things grow and progress as they are, without refinement. When you let go of the judgment or concept of perfection, you can see the harmony in the unfinished, fleeting, modest and simple things in life. It is my belief that then you will find and see beauty everywhere.
I wonder if anyone would like to give a guess as to what this looks like to them. It is close to the original picture I took with the exception of cropping, straightening and some enhancement and brightening up of the colors. I’ll tell what it is and show the original, too, on Saturday, plus a couple more.