A beautiful day today....warming up so nicely to about 75.
I got about a dozen agates done yesterday with foil, solder and some with hang hooks. Now I can work on more trees to put on them.
I think I missed the window of healing with various concoctions for my cold sore. It seemed the more stuff I put on it, the worse it got...drying and cracking my lips, so I quit everything. I think (I know) the trick is to catch it at the first sign, and I didn't. My dad had an old natural remedy (he used to get them all the time) and that is to put an ice cube on it at the first tingle and keep it on as long as you can stand it. Repeat that a few times and it never develops any further. That is what I usually do, but unfortunately, I didn't this time. My face continues to heal and the scar is showing some signs of fading a little bit.
Last night we went out with our "birthday group" for Pete's 73rd birthday. We went to Bonefish Grill and had a nice dinner, drinks, and a chocolate cake for dessert. This is the first we've been out since his surgery and we were both really tired by the time we got home.
Pete's first week went so smoothly after surgery, but now he's experiencing much more pain since he's started PT. Plus, he's not getting much sleep at night because there is no comfortable place. As soon as he lays down, the pain begins, as soon as he sits up, the pain stops. I guess this is a normal complaint for rotator cuff surgery. No amount of pillows or propping up seems to help.
I thank "kat" for the suggestion of the mattress topper, but since our old mattress was sagging pretty badly (11 years old), we thought we'd go ahead and get a new one, plus we had talked about an adjustable bed for a while now. We went out this afternoon and bought one that will be delivered Friday, so hope that will solve that problem. King size and duel controls so we can each lay how we want to. Neither one of us likes to lay flat, and we've had the head of our bed elevated with blocks about 6" for years now. We're both excited about getting this new bed. A nice chunk of $$$$, but for something you spend 1/3 of your life in, we can certainly justify the cost.
A few days ago I went down to the pond close to dusk. There’s a Snowy Egret who visits there a lot and they always put on quite a show. I was able to get a few shots off before the sun set completely. I think this one will get printed.