1. Pete reinforced the old green bench the other day and then painted it the new backyard blue. It really looks nice surrounded by so much greenery. Three big things have been painted blue out there and the gallon of paint is now gone.
2. Yesterday I started to do some laundry. When the load was done, the clothes had not spun dry very well, so I ran it through again, just the spin cycle. Not much improvement and way too wet for the dryer. So I thought I’d try it one more time. The washer made horrible sounds and died. So we hopped in the truck and drove to K-Mart about 4 p.m. (they now sell Kenmore) and bought a new washer and dryer, brought them home in the back of the pickup truck and this morning Pete removed the old ones and installed the new ones. By 11 a.m. I was back in business. The dryer was on its last leg, too, and half the time I’d have to reset it and dry a second time. Both were almost 15 years old. We got discounts, (Sunday and senior) and saved $200.
3. Our whole house air conditioner is 15 years old and not very energy efficient plus is due for some repairs, so this afternoon we met with the AC man and now we are getting a new one of those, too. We haven’t set a date yet for installation. Oh, plus we really need a new mattress.
4. Last week, Pete got a call from one of his old employers wanting to know if he would come back to work. It was tempting to him with all our extra expenses right now, but only for a tiny second before he called him back and declined. He’s done….he retired now for good.
5. It is hot! One of the hottest summers I can remember in many years here. It doesn’t drop below 80 during the night, so it doesn’t even cool off. Right around 95 in the heat of the day and very humid. I’ve been staying in mostly, working in the studio.
6. Maria turned 18 last Thursday. I can hardly believe it. Tracy, Laurie and I took Maria and friend Becca out to lunch on Saturday. Maria picked the place…a Japanese restaurant where they cook your meal (and entertain you) right at your table. It was really good! This Wednesday, Maria and her mom & dad are going to Universal for a few days, then next Monday school starts!
7. I’ve been firing up the kiln most every day with a batch of Christmas ornaments, plus trying to make a new wire tree each day. I’ll have to take some more pictures soon and show you. I’ve made 10 different trees so far. The other day I made one with a little wire swing hanging from a tree branch and laid in a crushed shell path to the swing. I don’t want to get too cutsie, but I’m trying to make a variety for different tastes.
8. I got a message over the weekend from someone who wanted me to make an arched transom window for over their front door. I did kick around the thoughts of doing it, but then called him back and told him I was retired now from large projects like that. He was such a nice man and I almost changed my mind while we were talking, but I ended up sticking to my guns and felt such relief for having turned the job down. Pete and I both said, “it’s nice to know we are still wanted by some, but we’re done.
9. TV shows I’m watching now: Just finishing up the last three episodes of the final season of Breaking Bad. What an excellent show that has been! Summer shows: Extant (really good so far), The Strain (yuck, I may not make it through that one) Under the Dome, Small Town Security, The Haves and the Have Nots, Hot in Cleveland. I’m anxiously waiting for The Black List and The Following to start back up, plus a few comedies.
10. I’m reading the book “Joyland” now. It’s an old book by Stephen King (my favorite author) and then the book "11/22/63" will come next.
Lizard reflection …..
They love to watch themselves in the mirrors. This is an old stained glass one that broke many years ago and now is part of the garden. I've gone out so many times and caught them just staring at their reflections.