The day started out with a phone call from a friend who walks in the neighborhood everyday. About an hour before he had seen a mother duck and her ducklings in a retention pond just a few blocks from my house. I grabbed my camera and jumped in the car and drove there. No ducks anywhere.
The rest of the day I put behind the cut.
Before I went home, I swung down by the botanical park and took a couple of pictures.
There was the most beautiful, perfect yellow water lily.
I quickly walked around the pond. There was this turtle sunning himself. It looked like he brought part of the pond up with him on his back.
And I love cattails.
I couldn’t stay long because I was baking a dump cake and it only had 30 minutes to go when I left the house, and then I had to cook a potato casserole to take to Laurie’s for our Easter dinner.
When I pulled in our driveway, “White Stuff” was in among the flapjack succulents, and so I snapped her picture. It looks like she thinks she’s hiding from me and peeking out with one eye. Ha!
Then . . . . . . .
Oh! MG! I got locked in the atrium again. This is the third time it has happened since we have lived here.
Here’s the story:
About 1:00, the cake was baked and it was time to put the potato casserole in the oven. Pete was on the computer, and the casserole had about 30 minutes left to go, so I went outside to water the plants in the atrium.
The gate into the atrium has this odd latch on it. When you shut the gate, the latch drops down, but if you are on the inside, there is a wire rigged up that you can pull and the latch will come up. Well, I was in there with the hose, happy as a clam, watering and fussing over my plants when suddenly the wind blew the door shut. I really didn’t think anything of it and went on with the plants, because I knew I could pull the inside wire and open the door, like I'd done a hundred times before. Well, in about 10 minutes I was done and went to pull the wire and it broke in half! I was locked inside!
I started knocking, then pounding with my hands on the bathroom and shower windows; sure Pete would hear me and come let me out. I was making a terrible racket, but he never came. I found an empty pot and started banging with that on the glass, even louder and harder. No Pete. The atrium is at the opposite end of the house from the computer room, but I could not believe he didn’t hear me. I was getting madder and madder, and thinking of maybe trying to climb the wall. Yeah, right! Me scaling a seven foot wall covered with plants! I must have been getting delirious! I was also listening for my neighbor on that side of the house to come out. No such luck!
Well, finally Pete walked into the bathroom and saw me. I had the pot in my hand banging on the glass. He yelled, “What in the heck are you doing?” I yelled back: “I’m locked in here, let me out!” I said I’d been knocking and knocking for about 20 minutes, and didn’t you hear me? Here’s how he explained it to me.
“Yes, I heard you, but I thought you were in your studio hammering or banging on something like you always are doing. I was getting pretty irritated and kept wondering what in the world you were doing, making all that noise. Then the beeper went off for the oven and I started hollering for you that the potatoes were done. When you didn’t answer I came looking for you. I walked to the studio and you weren’t there. Then I started following the knocking sound and it led me here.” And then he added, “You should have told me you were going outside.” AHHHHHH!
Thank Goodness, something happened with FOOD, or he might never have come looking for me! I was so mad for a few minutes, and then we both started laughing about it. We put a brand new wire on it, packed up the food and went to Laurie’s.
Joe outdid himself with the deviled eggs. Deviled eggs are Tracy’s specialty, and she always gets asked to make them for cookouts. But today Joe took over and created this colorful display. The one in the back in the middle he called a tie-dyed one. He said it was edible, but no one ate it.
We had a delicious meal. Laurie fixed a ham, asparagus, corn, rolls, cucumbers in a sweet sauce. After we ate, Zack went swimming. Maria didn’t have her bathing suit, and Josh thought it was too cold, but good old Zack, he went in and I got these neat action shots of him.
On their back fence, they have a red bougainvillea beside the blue plumbago.
I love plumbagos. They are one of the few true blue flowers.
Well, some of their roots must have gotten mixed up and it created some sort of a hybrid with both flowers on one plant. Just a gorgeous contrast of colors!
You know I’m kidding, right?
On the way home, the sun was setting, I asked Pete if he would swing down past the retention pond to see if maybe the mother duck and her ducklings might be there. And they were! The end to a very nice day.