Feb 02, 2010 09:34
I really need to find a way to NOT be so darn tired with Paxil. I only take 15mg, but even at that, a few hours after I take it, I'm exhausted, then towards evening, Im wide awake, and then again, the next morning, just soooo tired.
I like the fact that Paxil has helped to ward off that incessant irritability, but the tiredness I could do without.
I'm not really pro-anti-depressant. In fact for the past 6 years Ive been very anti-pharmaceutical. I found though, that after I had my youngest son a year ago, that my irritability level was up and my moods were swinging back and forth. Not bi-polar, in fact the doctor thinks Im quite well in the head indeed.
The Paxil was something I decided on, because I was having a hard time getting organized... the idea of packing up the two little ones to get to wherever I needed to go seemed overwhelming and often times I would just stay home and do nothing at all, because I felt just too overwhelmed. So, I went back to Paxil after a many year hiatus. I just dont remember it making me so tired.
I have found it easier to read, concentrate and meditate however, as my brain isn't rushing about over anyalyzing and worrying about everything. But mornings....ech. And mornings without coffee? Like today? Difficult indeed.