Paxil & Afternoons?

Feb 02, 2010 15:22

I REALLY need coffee. Yes, I am weak. But it's true. I am a pathetic mess without my coffee. This is the third day now of no coffee.
Sure, I have tea.
It's not the same thing. Even seven cups later.
Anyhow, I decided not to take Paxil this morning. I'm going to take it this evening instead. Save the 'knock me on my ass' sleepiness for a time when it could actually be useful.
Missed my morning walk with the kids because it was raining. However, I did get the opportunity to take my 2.5 yr old out in the yard to play for a bit. By the time my husband woke up, at noon (he works the afternoon/night shift) the sun was out. So I left the one year old in the house with him and took the other little guy outside to play in the somewhat muddy back yard.
Lilacs are budding, as is my Twisted Hazel, blueberry bushes, oriental pear, roses, elderberry bushes... yep, winter in Canada. Well, to specify, winter in the South/West of Canada.  We have had a very mild, short winter this year, and I can't say I'm disappointed. I was thinking of either updating my account at or starting a new one. It is a journal for gardeners and alot of fun. Pics, planting updates, seed exchange... a total blog for the yard :D. If you like to garden, definitely check it out.
I wanted to take some pictures, but had no pocket in my sweater for my camera-phone. I was carrying the little guy, a plate with a peanut butter and jam sandwich for him, some wipes, and that was about all I could manage without dropping something (or someone) down the stairs.
My new LG Xenon should be here any day. I'll have to write a review on it. I currently have the Samsung F266 , which is pretty good. But I decided to get a new plan on my other Fido account and when checking out the phones, decided that until I have the extra cash for an iPhone, that I'll stick with something cheaper. The LG Xenon fits that bill. And it's a nifty little phone.
My new tarot deck and cards should be here soon also. The Navigators of the Mystic SEA. I'm looking forward to receiving them. I have the Golden Dawn Magical Tarot, which is needed for Golden Dawn based rituals and other things, and I do actually really like these cards as well. The flashing colours and stark imagery actually makes them a very useful deck. The Navigators of the Mystic Sea is a deck that I want more for personal reasons. A journey inward. The book is supposed to be quite in depth also.

Well, that's about it for now.
Funny, I don't normally blog this much on Blogger or Wordpress. Maybe because LJ is so easy to just click and post. I always have to log into my other blogs because I have a zillion emails that are always cookied so I need to log off that email, and then into my correct google account. My business, and two forums are both centered around, whereas my personal (uh... though with 40 followers) blog and family private blog are with blogger. LJ is the place where I can just write whatever I want without worrying about whether or not people will think it's interesting :D

cellphones, myfolia, paxil, tarot

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