While I don't condone the violent actions objectors have taken towards the Watch, I also don't approve of this witch hunt. What happened to the openness the Watch claimed it would maintain? They aren't even off the ground and already they are trying to suppress negative opinions
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Checks and balances are the best way to avoid corruption. Instead of pooling all of our power into one person or organization, numerous specialized groups would ensure that the most able people were in their position and prevent others from abusing their power, should such a person even make it into office.
I realize that these are all ideal situations. But if they are pushed for enough, perhaps everyone will see how beneficial living in peace would be and come to a mutual agreement.
I strongly suspect that you either are human or look entirely human on the outside, Aurora.
[He has circled "numerous specialized groups would ensure that the most able people were in their position and prevent others from abusing their power"]Their existence brought about by whom? Their members chosen by whom? Legitimized by whom? How will they define "most able?" How will they ( ... )
Then, how long to cultivate this potential? I've yet to meet anyone who's been here more than a year, myself. Public opinion is--[pause, he's pinging himself here, but he continues on]--fickle, inconstant, unreliable at the best of times. In a place like this, a week could potentially bring about such a change that what was lauded yesterday is anathema to the people tomorrow. As for these proposed manuals--who will write them? Under whose authority will they be edited, reviewed, updated, and published? How will you keep partisans and other biased individuals from bribing or threatening their way to a favorable mention for themselves or a poor representation of the enemy ( ... )
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