Muse questions from all over the place.

Sep 01, 2006 13:11

What is your character's name?

How old is he/she?

What is your character's race/species?

Do they have a crush?
Crush? It’s a lot more than a crush. She’s completely in love with the Doctor.*pets her* But of course she cannot be around him *cries* and that makes her all emotional and sad. *huggles her* She just wants him back so they can play at being on an adventure. *Muse kicks mun for being silly*

Do they have many friends?
Well there is the Doctor, Mickey and Jake. She’s also pestering Snake a lot, and probably Roger too.

What planet is your character from?

Does your character like to eat?
Oh yes. Chips. chinese, pizza...the list goes on.

What's his/her favourite food?
Chips, although not so much now.

What's his/her favourite drink?
Tea, but sometimes it brings back too many memories

Is your character annoying?
Goodness yes, just look at her mother.

Name the 5 most annoying things about your character.
1) Emotional
2) Determination
3) Belief that the world is against her
4) Need to find the Doctor
5) Obsessiveness

Is your character loved?Your character hated?
Oh, possibly, but I don’t really think she has met anyone who could hate her. She’s too nice.

Is she/he emo/goth?
Um, I would go with more Emo than anything. She’s really as far from goth as you could get.

Is she/he straight, bisexual, or gay?
Oh. She’s straight. Very much so.

Is she/he a virgin?
Oh, not at all.

Name 3 hobbies
1) Searching for the Doctor
2) Trying to get on with her life
3) Larking about and having adventures
Ok, not great hobbies but she’s stubborn and refuses to do much at the moment

Is your character normal?
Yes. She’s don’t a bit of travelling, but it’s not like she has a hole in her head or anything

Is your character attractive?
People do see to think so *grins* Not that she minds. I think it helps her a lot with her confidence after losing the Doctor.

How does your character handle emotions?
Awfully. She’s one giant emotional rollercoaster at the moment.

Does your character have other forms?
No, unless you include the fact she is a dog and not a person in the world she is now in.

Does your character overreact?
More so recently, but yes.

Is your character a criminal?
No no no, she’s very much a go out there an save people. Or try to.

Does your character go to school?
Not any more. Although she’s looking at going back. Help her with work.

What's his/her IQ?
Rose isn’t exactly smart. But she has a life smart that most don’t, but that probably comes from going up without a Dad, dealing with her Mom and travelling with the Doctor. Although she does have a thirst for knowledge when he’s talking.

Does your character have a disease/curse?
She does, and I think she needs a Doctor for it *chuckles*

Is your character dead?
In her own world she has been classed as dead yes..

Does your character have a family?
Mom, Dad, baby brother or sister, and Mickey. Could say he’s family.

Has he/she encountered any tragic times in life?
Oh yes. She held her fathers had while he died, and she watched that happen twice, she’s lost the man she loves with ever part of her being. And she lives with her Mom.

What's the best time in your character's life?
From the moment the Doctor took her hand in the basement of the shop she worked in till that day in Torchwood. Every moment with the Doctor was the best. (obsessed much)

Is your character single?
Yes, well no, well sort of. Rose has this huge bee in her bonnet over the Doctor. She’s madly in love with him and no-one else can ever really get a look in. Unless of course you are Casanova and you sweep her off of her feet

Has he/she developed any relationships?
Well there is the Doctor, duh. In another prompt com she has become rather smitten with Casanova which is just funny as hell. But otherwise, it’s all the Doctor.

Does he/she have an element?
Oh, I never really thought about it, but it’s Earth

Do you roleplay your character?

Do you write about your character?

Does your character have a bad temper at times?
Yes, she has a wicked tempter at times. At the moment it’s mostly directed towards her nagging mother.

Does your character get depressed?
She never used to, but she does a lot now.

What's your character's favourite animal?
She’s partial to cats, doesn’t really like dogs any more.

Does your character have any fears?
How can you fear what has already happened? Apart from that. Never seeing the Doctor again. Aliens and monsters she can deal with, losing the Doctor completely. No.

Does your character have any weaknesses?
Her emotions, very much so, and her need to help people can get her into trouble too. Other wise…well look at the name that is repeated over and over.

Does your character look up to anyone?
Sarah Jane for her strength at the moment, something Rose feels she has none of. The Doctor for his flair and desire to experience everything, her Mom, for not giving up and bring her up so well on her own, and Mickey for his ability to adapt and get on and make a life for himself.

Does your character like music?
Yes, she does like music.

What's your character's favorite type of music?
Something she can listen to and dance too, none of this hard core dance music though.

Is he/she impatient?
Heavens yes. More so in recent times.

What's something funny about your character?
The reason she doesn’t like dogs much is because in the alt world she had never been born and her mom had a dog and it was called Rose. The Doctor laughed at it and she didn’t find it funny one bit *sniggers*

Does your character curse?
Sometimes, more so recently as well. It goes alongside the anger and the need to flail someone.


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