Doctor, Doctor. I think I need a Doctor.

Sep 01, 2006 03:06

“Right you are Rose, ready when you are.” He pulled his coat on over his suit and glanced towards the door which led out of the console room. Rose had been gone for hours it seemed, getting ready for this trip, 18th century Italy, or there abouts anyway. He wasn’t going to give her a specific date this time. “Come on Rose, history is waiting to be discovered.”

The soft rustling of material could be heard as Rose headed through the corridors, her dress felt heavy and it took forever to get herself into it, “Alright.” She made her way into the room and frowned, “You not going to change then?”

“No I…,” He paused when he saw what she was wearing. The dressed pulled in her waist and pushed her chest. Rose looked amazing, “Right, come on. Let’s not waste time standing around.” He held out an arm to her, because that was how they walked in this day and age, “We should be in time to pop into one of their balls, have a little fun and be back in time for tea.”

“And dancing right, you promised me dancing.” She grinned at him as she headed down the steps and towards the door, “After last time you said you would take me dancing.”

“And we will, as long as nothing bad happens.” He escorted her out of the TARDIS and down the dark streets

“So, is there anything I need to know about this time?” Rose glanced up at him and then watched as a rather grand carriage drew up beside them.

“Well,” he rubbed the back of his neck and thought, “Just hope you don’t need to go to the bathroom.”

That just made Rose laugh, she had wondered about historical facts and he comes out with a bathroom comment.

Once inside, Rose realised that eyes soon turned on the two of them and people began to whisper. She glanced up at the Doctor and frowned, “What’s wrong? I got the dress on right and everything, didn’t I?”

The Doctor gave her a once over, trying not to let his eyes linger a little too long on her chest and he nodded, “They’ve probably never seen such a handsome couple.” But it was something else, something he couldn’t quite get his finger on. “Why don’t you go and have a little look around Rose. Get yourself a drink and something to eat. I’ll be right back.” Without another word he made his way towards a group of people and smiled, “Hello there.”

Rose watched him for a moment and let out a soft sigh. She’d only wanted to go somewhere and dance, somewhere she could dress up and the both of them could have a nice evening without the thought of monsters or aliens trying to kill them. A nice ordinary evening in the 18th century, what was so difficult about that?

As she made her way through the crowds the women all seemed to glare at her like she had some for of disease or another, but glanced over towards where the Doctor was standing with a sort of longing. Letting out a sigh Rose headed further into the room, she’d give the Doctor a little more time before she made her way back to his side.

She walked around the edge of the room, watching as well dressed men and women danced around the room, all of them seemed to move in perfect unison. It was strangely beautiful to watch and Rose wondered if she could do something like this, if coming here to dance was a bad idea because she had no idea what they were doing. The dance seemed to be complex, hand movements, pointing of feet, turning, crossing over, walking around, dipping. She couldn’t learn this.

Soon she began to move her way around the rest of the hall in search of the Doctor. And when she saw him a frown fell on her face and she wondered when he had gone back to the TARDIS to change. He no longer stood there in his brown pinstriped suit, but was dressed like all the other men here. A couple of women seemed to be hovering at his side and Rose felt that pang of jealousy hit her.

Standing next to him her hand slipped into his and she smiled up at him, “I was wondering where you had gotten too Doctor.”

He looked down at her with a quizzical look. Doctor, well he had been a doctor once, maybe twice. But he would play doctor for this pretty little thing if she wanted him to. A bright grin appeared on his face, “Hello there.”

Rose smiled back up at the man she thought was the Doctor and she felt her jealousy slip away. “Hello. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Have you now, well I was right here, and you found me. Isn’t that a good thing?”

“You said you would dance with me.”

“Did I?” He frowned a little; this woman seemed to be acting like he knew her. Let her think that, she was beautiful and that dress… Oh, he would do anything, be anything she wanted him to be. “Of course I did,” taking her hand he led her out into the middle of the dance floor and took her into his arms, keeping her close.

It only took Rose a moment to pick up the steps to the dance, and soon the two of them were moving through the others, women wishing they were her, men wanting to be a little more like him, like Casanova. Not that Rose knew that. She just thought the Doctor was getting into the idea of being in this time.

They laughed and joked as they danced, anything she said he seemed very good to pick up on and use to his advantage, “How about a little walk in the evening air, give both of us a moment to catch our breaths.”

Rose just nodded and took his arm, glad for this time alone with him, time without running, without fear and without the prospect of death. Together they walked out into a softly lit garden, and he moved so his hand was resting on the small of her back.

“It’s beautiful out here, I don’t think I have ever seen anything so beautiful,” turning she looked up at him, the soft light casting a beautiful glow around her hair.

“Me either,” he looked down at her as they stopped, “You are as beautiful as a rose.”

“Maybe that’s where my name comes from,” she smiled playfully at him, “Called me Rose because of how I looked as a baby.” She was babbling just a little because he was making her nervous. So close and the way he was looking down at her...

“Rose, beautiful Rose.” Reaching out he ran the back of his hand down her cheek, watching her as her eyes slid closed and she let out a shaking breath.

“Doctor,” she whispered his name as she shivered softly.

He smiled, leaning down just a little, “Yes?”


That word was enough for him. Leaning down he pressed his lips softly against hers, pulling her closer to him.

Meanwhile back inside. The Doctor had been walking round in circles looking for Rose and he’d finally found someone would could tell him they had seen her, and that she had been heading into the garden…with him. He, of course, thought they had had too much wine as he was there and not out in the garden, but headed out to see if she was there anyway.

The scene that he walked in upon was not something he wanted to do again. Rose where there and she was…well she was kissing someone. He felt anger rise within him and he didn’t know whether he should walk away or he should break up this little party. Of course he went for the latter.

“Enjoying yourself Rose?”

The voice struck her first. How was he talking if he was kissing her? It couldn’t be, it was just in her head.

The Doctor cleared his throat and gave them one of his I am not impressed looks.

“Look, be a good chap and go away and…” Casanova fell short as he stared at the Doctor.

Rose looked over as the kiss broke; about to give who ever had disturbed them a piece of her mind, but the words failed her as she looked into the face of the Doctor. She looked from one man to the other, a look of embarrassment and shock on her face. She didn’t know what to say or do. She had been kissing someone else thinking it was the Doctor. How would she ever…

The two men just seemed to stare at one another, each sizing the other up, neither willing to back down. Rose felt like a deer caught in the headlights. And no sound was made until the Doctor broke the silence.

“Right, well I will leave you two alone.”

“Doctor, wait I…” She hadn’t expected him to react like this, she’d expected shouting, or at least him getting mad, but he was just going to walk away. “I can explain, I…” I thought he was you. She couldn’t say the words.

“Ah, so you are this Doctor fellow she thought I was. I thought she was playing some game or another. Women like that, little games to get them in the right frame of mind.”

Rose shot him a look, he wasn’t helping. Not one bit. She just wanted the past few minutes to go away, for the ground to swallow her up, something.

“Who are you anyway?” The Doctor frowned at the man who seemed to have his face, “And what do you think you are doing pretending to me be?”

“Giacomo Casanova, The Chevalier de Seingalt.” He gave a little bow after he spoke his name.

Rose began to laugh softly and looked up at the man she had thought was the Doctor, “You’re Casanova, man who was known for bedding all those women?”

“So you have heard of me,” He flashed her a bright smile.

That just made Rose laugh more and she looked up at the Doctor who seemed to be boiling mad under the surface. She stopped when she saw the look on his face and glanced back up at Casanova, “I think you should probably go back inside.”

“Your wish is my command.” He moved towards her, about to draw her into his arms for another kiss but thought better of it and took hold of her hand, kissing the back of it. “It was a pleasure to meet you, beautiful Rose.”

She blushed at his words and his action, watching him as he headed back inside.

The Doctor still looked annoyed and she let out a slow breath. “I thought he was you.”

“Dressed like that?”

“I thought you might have gone back to the TARDIS to change, you were gone a long time.”

“I had all these women trying to claw at me, wanted to know if…” A smile broke out on his face, “They thought I was Casanova, all those women in there thought I was him, you thought he was me… and you were…”

Rose looked down at the ground, her face a deep red.

“You thought he was me, you were kissing him.”

Rose bit her lip, still unable to look up.

“Rose?” He stood watching her for a moment before he reached out a hand to her, “Take my hand.”

After a moment she reached out and took her hand, gasping softly as he pulled her to her.

“I promised you a dance.” Keeping her close to him he began to waltz around the garden with her. They didn’t mention the kissing again, but there was something from that night he would remember. The words Casanova spoke.

Beautiful Rose.

deviant muses

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