this is the most disjointed of posts

Jan 05, 2012 15:09

1. my dog is being a giant doofus today. it's like he knows he's about to get a bath. have a random picture.

the dog:

he stays like this most days. it's where he is now.

2. my sister got a new car. brand new. she's so excited. it's red. we drove to my mom's last night to show it off. she didn't think she was going to get it, but eh, it worked out. and it's about time, too. the honking Kia was starting to fall apart.

3. I think I talked Tana into seeing Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with me on Friday. she hates seeing movies on the opening weekend, but BAH I WANT TO SEE IT.

I watched Gary Oldman on Conan the other night and he was hilarious and adorable and I want to have a Gary Oldman for my very own.

4. I saw an idea floating around tumblr earlier and I think want to try to write it, so I'm going to get off here, collect the dog, and do something productive so my entire week isn't a waste.

I'm sure I'll get bored in less than an hour and be back here.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Comment wherever.

my dog is a crazyface, tana/stephanie, jamie tagged herself, movies, okay random

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