I had a pretty eventful weekend. Usually I don't do anything worth noting, maybe go to my mom's or something, but this weekend was chock full .
Friday, my sister and I got some Mexican food. It's not usually of note since all we do is eat Mexican food, but we went to the other restaurant that we rarely go to. They have really great salsa.
We also went to Target where I bought Snatch and White Collar season one. Jamie hasn't ever seen Snatch and it was on sale for $3.75. Woo.
Saturday we went to lunch with our family (minus dad), and then watched Thor. Yay!
It was a great movie, and a really good introduction. It was funny in places and Chris Hemsworth is yummy. I spent half the movie trying to figure out how I knew the actor that played Loki. And my sister and I finally figured out it is because he's normally a ginger!
Now, my favorite part was when Jeremy Renner showed up for all his three lines in the film and two minutes on screen, but hey, he'll be around for more. I just have to be patient. I'm not very good at that.
We went shopping because my sister has no nice work clothes, and she managed to snag two nice outfits. I bought a bag, because clearly the thing I needed most was another bag. :D
When we got home, we watched all our shows. Yay tv!
Oh Vampire Diaries. I get that Damon is the bad boy and suppressed to the point of breaking all the time, but good god, can he have one episode where he doesn't do something stupid in the name of love? It's kinda boring and his eyes are getting crazier by the minute.
Also, can we have one episode where Caroline isn't tortured or captured or the target of EVERYONE EVER? I get that it was about her and Tyler and sharing and feelings blah blah, but really? Every week? The poor girl needs a hug.
Now the whole Elijah and Klaus thing was predictable, but the Jenna thing I did not see coming and that broke my heart. More for Ric and Jeremy than anyone else.
Blah. I don't know if I can continue watching this show after this season. I love vampire shows and I love Caroline, but eh. I liked the Stefan from the first few episodes of this season and he's long gone. I don't like watching things where all I do is wait for them to end.
Which definitely brings me to Doctor Who!
I had the same feeling. Waiting for the episode to end. I liked the Amy pirate and that the siren wasn't all bad, but blah. How many times are we going to kill Rory? Arthur Darvill wasn't kidding when he said he died every episode, was he?
Other than that, I liked it. I usually like one offs anyway, but this wasn't spectacular or anything. Mostly I giggled at the Doctor and his love for the TARDIS and tried to figure out who that one guy was.
It bugged me all episode, but I figured it out! He was on the Catherine Tate show. He's her husband where they laugh and never make any sounds and all their stories are dumb. They are my favorite characters. Remind me of half my family.
We also watched Community.
This episode was pretty great. I liked how it was about Annie. She had great lines and great legs and Abed was definitely right. She was awesome.
I'm excited to watch next week.
Yesterday we were supposed to go to our parents' for Mother's Day food and all that, but I had a migraine and was so sick, that I just stayed in bed until two. Yay.
When I got up, I watched SNL because Tina Fey, and was really excited to see Maya Rudolph. She's my favorite. I think now though, Michael Bolton is my favorite.
I also watched Glee because they had a Fleetwood Mac episode.
And Fleetwood Mac are my FAVORITE THING EVER, but I ended up watching three episodes even though I don't like Glee at all. The only thing I really enjoy about that show is Kurt and his neverending collection of kick ass boots. And the fact that it seems like Zizes went shopping in my closet. (I never caught her first name. I did a bunch of fast forwarding though because ugh Blaine's face and shut up Rachel, so they may have said it and I just don't care enough.)
Anyway, Fleetwood Mac. Well. Songbird is quite possibly my favorite. And I liked the big number at the end.
I really cannot watch more Glee. Please don't make me.
That's about it. Yay tv.
I spent the rest of my night reading the TSN kinkmeme and being weirded out and fascinated by all things Mark/Eduardo.
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Dreamwidth. Comment wherever. (But you know I can't access LJ from work.)