Sorry for all the meme-age lately, but this one was just too good to pass up, so I had to steal it from
1. Sherlock or Doctor Who
This is a matter of timing, right? In the early days of DW S2, it would have won this meme, I think. And then "Journey's End" happened and everything that happened with Ten *after* "Journey's End" and then I really, really hated DW and that kind of retroactively cast a pall over all the episodes that had happened before and it was all very complicated and messy the way break-ups are and I'm rambling. Anyhow, Eleven-era DW has redeemed things for me and I do love it, but I don't love it to the level that I loved Ten/Rose DW and not to the level that I love Sherlock currently.
So, until Sherlock does something incredibly annoying that destroys my adoration of it (I figure if I expect this to happen, I have a better chance of it never happening...), Sherlock wins this one.
2. Moriarty or the Master?
I think I'd go with the Master here, if only he had ever been allowed to have really nice, meaty conversations with the Doctor. I hate how, in LotTL, the Doctor spends almost the whole episode in Dobby form and we get, like, literally twenty seconds where the Master and the Doctor have a confrontation. THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN HOUR LONG AT LEAST, THAT CONFRONTATION. And then, again, in EoT, the Master comes back and again he and the Doctor have, like, one conversation in the whole episode. And it's an *awesome* conversation, and Simm and Tennant could have played quiet intensity so well, it's just that nothing about DW by that time was ever quiet for too long. I will forever be sad at those missed opportunities, because otherwise I really loved Simm's Master, especially in his first two episodes. He's AMAZING in Utopia, I watched that scene at the end over and over and can quote it by heart, and that telephone conversation with Tennant in The Sound of Drums is also awesome. I just wish there had been more moments like that.
So, I think it's the Master, but I think Moriarty gets to have better conversations with his nemesis.
3. Benedict or Martin?
Gah. Last series it would have been Benedict immediately, I was in love with him from the first scene he walked into. But then Martin Freeman's little face chipped away at me and THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. No, it's not, I'll go with Benedict, on the strength of his coat and the fact that I love how the buttons on his shirts are always straining to break free, it's almost my favorite thing about Sherlock. I will say, though, that, should Benedict Cumberbatch feel like calling me up to suggest we should date, I would insist he continue to dye his hair black because I think it makes his eyes look remarkable.
4. Favourite Doctor Who companion?
Rose. Rose is one of my favorite television characters *ever.*
5. Favourite Doctor
This is a tough one. It's the Tenth Doctor, but only if we ignore everything he did from "Journey's End" onward and substitute my 'verse instead.
6. Favourite Sherlock character
I love all of them, but I really, genuinely think it's Mycroft. I'm so excited whenever there's a Mycroft scene. And, of course, based on recent evidence, Lestrade.
7. Favourite Sherlock episode
I feel like it should be Reichenbach Fall, but I can't help it, it's A Scandal in Belgravia. See above re: my favorite character being Mycroft. And, as tour-de-force as I think Fall is, there is *so* *much* character stuff in Scandal. In fact, there's barely a plot, I feel, because it's just all set pieces where the characters talk about their FEELINGS without ever talking about their FEELINGS. That's my kind of thing. Plot be damned!
8. Favourite Doctor Who episode
The traditional answer to this is Tooth & Claw, and I think that still holds true. When I sit down to watch DW, I almost always go straight for this one. (It's the TARDIS scene at the beginning, really. The Doctor singing Ian Dury, be still my heart.)
9. Favourite Doctor Who monster
I used to really love the Daleks, but then I think they got overused. I think the Silence is an excellent idea, but I'm not sure that got exploited as much as it could have been. Maybe the Lumin guy who brought back the Cybermen in the AU? Was that his name? You know, the guy who shouted "BEYOND THE GRAVE." I know he's technically a human and not a monster but he's still a villain and made me laugh the most. (Oh, I guess I'm excluding the Master from this question.)
10. Least favourite Sherlock character
ANDERSON. Blargh. I don't know if it counts if we're *supposed* to hate the character, though, which I'm pretty sure we're supposed to hate Anderson.
11. Least favourite Doctor Who character
Martha. OMG, every time she speaks my brain translates it like this: whine whine whine moan complain whine some more whine.
12. The Doctor or Sherlock?
The Doctor. I adore Sherlock, but I feel like the epic scale of the character of the Doctor is hard to compete with. Also, I've written the Doctor. I've written thousands upon thousands upon thousands of words about the Doctor, getting into every little crevice of his head. I feel like he's an old friend. Sherlock intimidates me so much that I've written thousands upon thousands of words about literally EVERY OTHER SHERLOCK CHARACTER *BUT* SHERLOCK. Because I'm really like, "What the hell goes on in that *brain*?" I have no idea.
13. Rose Tyler or Amy Pond?
Well, since Rose is my all-time favorite, I'm going with Rose Tyler here. Amy annoys me and I've never really warmed to her (although I love Amelia and Rory).
14. Least favourite companion?
See above re: Martha.
15. Thoughts on Mycroft/Lestrade
Please see the massive amounts of fic I have posted recently...
Here's the thing, I had no intention of writing a Mycroft/Lestrade fic, I was just going to write a brief fic where they had a Scotch together and poor Mycroft is tired because everything in his life is a mess. Because the whole thing started out in my head as a study in Mycroft. And then what happened was that, once you stick them on a page together and let them talk to each other,, in this odd way that feels almost inevitable. There's something about the way that they they complement each other, from the moment they start talking, you're like, "Oh, they should just make out already, they're basically an old married couple." I don't know. If you're me. I might have issues. Anyway, then I decided to give Lestrade POV a try and he was so incredibly fun and charming and clever and adorable that SOMEONE in my fic had to fall in love with him since *I* was so in love with him and there you have it, Mycroft/Lestrade just sneaks up on you.
16. What do you think of Molly Hooper?
Other than she's awesome?
17. Do you believe in Sherlock Holmes?
Yes. I do. But I hope he tries to be a little more incognito than when he was just hanging out by his grave.
18. 10th Doctor or 11th?
Tenth. But *my* version of the Tenth Doctor, not the whiney, emo mess we had by the end. (Huh. I whine a lot about whining, I feel.)
19. 9th Doctor or 10th
Tenth, again, with the same caveat.
20. 11th Doctor or 9th
Oh, dear. It's the 11th, I admit. Because the Eleventh Doctor actually comes closest to being the Doctor that I think exists in my head.
21. Thoughts on Johnlock?
What the heck is this? I actually don't mind the "Mystrade" mashing up, and that didn't even get used above, but this gets called "Johnlock"? I don't approve of this. Is that what we're being asked? Our thoughts on the use of "Johnlock" as a mash-up?
In case this question is really about the *relationship,* my thoughts on this are that I love John and Sherlock in whatever interpretation people give to them. That's what I love about the show Sherlock, I feel like it's this weird Schrodinger's box of a show, everything exists and doesn't exist all at once, because they throw enough bones to feed all ships without ever confirming anything. It makes the fanfic an astonishing amount of fun.
22. Sherlock or Doctor Who cast
Sherlock. Sorry, DW, but every single actor on Sherlock always hits it out of the park, whereas there were/are certain actors during certain seasons of Who that I felt were/are terrible and were/are being acted circles around.
23. Favourite Sherlock actor
I chose Cumberbatch before, but I'm going with Martin Freeman here, based on what he says
in this clip at the 1:12 mark. If I'd won a BAFTA, I'd go around saying stuff like that to obnoxious people like Graham Norton all the time. MARTIN FREEMAN, HOW ARE YOU SO ADORABLE?
24. Favourite Doctor Who actor
David Tennant. My love for him is enduring.