January Roundup

Feb 02, 2013 19:12

I know there are quite some people on my f-list who like statistics and numbers, so this roundup is for you. (Although I'm starting to feel I'm spending much more time writing about writing than on actual writing. But hey. ^^)

My total word count in January has been 4784 words. Considering my goal of writing 1200 words a week, I'd say that's not a bad total. (And this is just counting the fics I've written in January. I posted at least double of this word count because of all the holiday challenge entries.)
This word count divides almost 50/50 into fanfic writing and original writing - which is amazing seeing as I just started with original writing again this month! :-D The fanfic part is solely due to Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines (Doctor Who / The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Cabin Pressure) with 2375 words. That leaves 2409 words of original writing for the weekly short challenges over at pulped-fictions. I haven't actually posted my original writing to this journal so far since I thought most people would be more interested in reading fanfic. If there was any interest, though, I might repost them here.

Now on to the statistics for my media consumption! (You can find a more detailed overview here.)
I read a meagre number of one book and one short story. Shame on me! And the book was only a collection of four short stories... I really thought I'd do better... Watched two films, one of them a re-watch. I've been pretty busy regarding TV series, though: I watched 21 episodes of TV series - now this sounds impressive! Although to be honest I have to admit I watched most of them (including the whole second series of Doctor Who) during the first week of January which was still holidays for me. Either way, that's more TV than I thought I'd watch. Then of course there's the new series of Cabin Pressure and I've seen / listened to two plays. So I guess January has been a busy month after all.

Hah, this roundup has been fun! :-D I'll try to do one every month. Hopefully that'll give me some extra motivation regarding writing, too. :-)

statistics, writing, monthly roundup

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