i'll be grazing by your window, please come pat me on the head

Aug 02, 2005 22:52

henceforth i will not reveal any incriminating evidence on this or any website, as i am now aware that my parents, in their boundless curiousity, occasionally decide to check this computer for pornographic material. as of three days ago, the Pornfinders had had only unearthed one actual instance of pornographic material in a year of random searches, but this instance of course makes all websites (such as those obviously involving porn, such as myspace.com and livejournal.com) circumspect. the aforementioned evidence involved my driving more than the legal limit of people to the beach one day; i was retarded enough to make mention of it in this space. NEway, ive been restricted to the house for the past several days, so i've taken it upon myself to make....myself..useful. i have already organized my collection of 400+ empty CD jewel cases in alphabetical order, so as to make them neatly accessible when i decide to reorganize them in a completely different way. following the hours of fun it took to do this, i organized my actual collection of CDs in the giant black binder that houses them. they are now in color order according to the ROYGBIVBWBrClear system. in other news, i desperately need an ipod. please buy me one, or send your jewelry and loose change to 927 N Great Neck Road Virginia Beach VA 23454. Merci.

Mikey got with Sharon, Sharon got Sheriee
She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease
Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist
They were all in love dyin' they were doin' it in Texas

i h8 people
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