Yesterday was my day off for working Sunday. I slept in then hung out watching various recorded shows on TV. I finally motivated myself to run the errands I needed to run - PO, bank, Pubix, Home Depot, and CVS. I stopped at Staples, then noticed the store next door. It was reduced price stuff, sort of like Big Lots. I found a couple of presents for Eldred so it was worth the visit. I bought many stocking stuffers at CVS. There are too many to fit in Eldred's stocking, so I guess I will wrap them in a box.
I looked all over Publix for falafel mix without success. I am sure they would have it. Today I went to the Pita House. They had 4 brands, none of which was the right one. I got one box just so I would have something. I'll keep looking.
We went out to dinnner at Blue Fire Grill with the usual gang. The food was good again but it is still way too noisy for my comfort. I had to yell to be heard. Nonetheless, there was interesting conversation.
Book I'm listening to:
The Daydreamer by Ian McEwan
Book I'm reading:
The Gates Ajar by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps