Nov 29, 2006 11:48
I am out sick for the second day in a row. Eldred was sick all last week. He seems to have had the respiratory thing that was going around. I have a cold. I think riding for two hours in the car with him at Thanksgiving did me in. :-) I could probably work but our director prefers that we not come in if we are sneezing and coughing. I just wish the patrons gave us the same consideration! I can curl up on the couch and snooze with the kitties.
This morning was a kitten development landmark for Kiera. She jumped onto the bathroom counter! Ignatius likes to stand on the edge of the counter in our bathroom and peer out of the window next to the counter. Kiera gets distressed when she can't reach Ignatius and usually sits on the floor looking up at him and crying. This morning I was cleaning the kitty drinking fountain. I had put it back on the floor and was waiting for the water to start back down the ramp. Ignatius was on the counter. When I turned around, there was Kiera on the counter! She gave me a horrified look and jumped down when I moved towards her. She jumped back again a few minutes later. Now Ignatius is not going to be able to get away from her by getting on the counter!