Blacker than Dark

Oct 16, 2011 14:12

[ Video / Action ]

[ Anyone with clairvoyant or psychic powers who happens to wander into the area beside building six will notice their skills suddenly melt away. It was like walking into a dead zone where all perceptions were blocked entirely and everyone they met was completely, dark, unreadable. Stepping back out the way they had come, even a ( Read more... )

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Action antipillar October 17 2011, 04:16:49 UTC
[Rather than answer with the device, Lantis notes where the Eagle is and goes to him. He's curious about the animals.]

I like them both.


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 04:44:09 UTC
[How cute! Animals are the Lantis signal! ]

I don’t know that we can have one of each, can we? Won’t animals like that would fight each other?

[Walking over to stand with by Lantis as the psychic barrier magic fades away. He doesn’t really want to hide from Lantis after all. ]


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 04:48:12 UTC
They can be raised together and become friends.

[He's done a little research.]


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:00:29 UTC
[Oh dear… ]

If they can be trained to get along then it does sound like we will be ending up wit one of each.

[Stepping closer~ ]

Unless you would prefer something like a bird or a fish?

[Filled with a sudden need that he can’t explain…

To just reach out and hold Lantis’s hand. It might not be the worst habit there is, certainly not, but it is one of the sweetest… as long as you don’t mind his not letting go for a while. ]


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:02:39 UTC
What would you prefer?

[He is trying to include Eagle in this. It will be theirs together.

Oh wait. Eagle is holding his hand. That's nice. He actually doesn't mind the contact at all. Obvious by the way he holds his hand back.]


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:12:34 UTC
[Handholding between these two really isn’t so very peculiar. Now… if a complete stranger had walked over that might have been more odd.
Still Eagle does glance down at his hand wondering why he had decided to do that, before abandoning the curiosity. Holding Lantis’s hand was nice and he was agreeable to the idea, so why not? ]

I am not really sure what I would normally say. But…

[There was one animal that had more easily gained his attention. It had been so cute, small, and not slobbering. ]

If I were to pick one, then I think I would go with a cat.


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:14:32 UTC
We could look at cats then.

[Really he has no preference. He's fond of all the animals that are around him. But if Eagle has a preference for cats...]

Would you like to go look at them? Or...perhaps later.


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:20:55 UTC
A cat it is then!

We could go look now unless you are afraid this darkness curse might make it too difficult. I really don’t see any reason to worry about it. This curse seems pretty begin really.


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:23:37 UTC
I don't think it will be a problem. We could find one that likes both of us.

[Or rather, really likes Eagle. Animals already seem to like Lantis.]


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:30:17 UTC
[Off to a hunt for a pet cat while holding hands. ^^ They are bound to attract a bit of attention. ]

That would be best. I wouldn’t want to have to fight an animal just to get inside the apartment. They have claws I think?

[Daggers really… ]

I will have to rely on your expert opinion.


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:31:44 UTC
[He nods.]

Claws and teeth. I think we'll be alright though.


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:40:49 UTC
And teeth… [Sweatdrop. ] It looked so sweet and innocent on the video.

[Eagle leads Lantis off in a random direction before he realizes he doesn’t know where a pet shop is here in the City and has to differ the lead to his partner. ]


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:43:08 UTC
[Correcting the direction now.]

Even the most gentle of creatures can be fierce if they need to be. [He gives Eagle's hand a comforting squeeze. They'll be fine.]


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:49:25 UTC
[Direction change noted. ]

So I was going the completely opposite way?

[Hand squeeze returned. Of course this will all work out. Lantis would keep him out of any real trouble and he would be able to spot the troubled animals long before it became a problem. You had his complete trust. ]


Action antipillar October 17 2011, 05:52:41 UTC
You were.

[He was just being nice and not pointing it out at that time.]


Action eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 05:55:48 UTC
[How gentlemanly. ]

Is that where we are going?

[Pointing ahead with his free hand at the building proudly displaying a ‘Pet Store’ sign. ]

I had no idea we were so close.


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