Blacker than Dark

Oct 16, 2011 14:12

[ Video / Action ]

[ Anyone with clairvoyant or psychic powers who happens to wander into the area beside building six will notice their skills suddenly melt away. It was like walking into a dead zone where all perceptions were blocked entirely and everyone they met was completely, dark, unreadable. Stepping back out the way they had come, even a ( Read more... )

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1/2 blastiafreak October 16 2011, 20:43:39 UTC
[Rita vaguely recognizes the place where he is, and frowns.]

Is that one you recognize?


and whoops video blastiafreak October 16 2011, 20:45:27 UTC
[But then she sees the second part of that post, and...even if it could have been any old cat, nobody else took a picture of her that day!]

H-hey! I--that cat it not a pet, you know!


1/2 video eagleofautozam October 16 2011, 20:54:46 UTC
Yes. This is the only place besides my apartment that I truly recognize.

[He isn’t thrilled with that but at least he does remember something. ]


2/2 video eagleofautozam October 16 2011, 20:55:03 UTC
[But, on the more happy topic of the cat~ ]

It isn’t? But, it is so cute and I did look it up. Animals like that really are very common pets here. Maybe that cat already has a home, but one like it might be to Lantis’s liking.


video blastiafreak October 16 2011, 22:38:34 UTC
...So you really did go and forget everything else.

[She makes an irritated sigh, but in this case--she can't accuse him of being a total idiot.

As for the cat, well--Rita thinks it's an embarrassing topic!]

Then find a different one if you really want one so badly.


video eagleofautozam October 16 2011, 23:14:02 UTC
That was what the deal required. Total memory loss, except for Lantis… [And the murders he committed. ] … in return for restoring three lives. It isn’t such a steep price.

[Eagle still considers this difficult though. So many things he can’t remember… like if he even wanted a pet. He only knows Lantis likes animals and they had a conversation about a pet once. ]

I was only using that cute cat as an example. Maybe an animal like that would be something Lantis would like? I think I would be fine with any kind of pet as long as Lantis liked it.


video blastiafreak October 16 2011, 23:46:24 UTC
[She sighs, arms crossed, thinking the entirety of his memory is a pretty big deal--but then, if he can't remember in the first place, it's a pointless argument...]

...For how long? Do you remember that?

[As for the pet-]

Then instead of wondering, just go ask him. It's not that hard.


video eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 00:01:39 UTC
No, I don’t remember how long it was for. Would they have said?

[A month… but Eagle is clueless about it. For all he knows this will last forever. ]

I was trying to ask him, but I must have forgotten something… or sent the message to you instead?

[Filter fail. ]

Not that I mind. It isn’t that private.


video blastiafreak October 17 2011, 00:13:36 UTC
Huh? You remember making the trade but you don't know that? [That's...kind of worrisome. Because it makes Rita wonder if he just forgot that as well or if he really will be like this forever.] ...Usually, these things have some kind of duration.

Huh? Oh... [She was actually so distracted by the picture of herself that she forgot. At least it means Eagle should get some kind of answer from the guy.] I think you just told everyone on the network.


video eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 00:27:18 UTC
Maybe because the trade was related to the… [Murders. ] … reason why I chose to make a deal? I don’t know why I wouldn’t remember the time limit, if there was a time limit. Maybe it just wasn’t considered important enough?

[Or, that it would be a more effective punishment that way. ]

I wasn’t intending to. [A beat.] But since I have, which one do you think makes a better pet? Maybe I should just get one and surprise him with it later?

[Might as well ask for a little relationship advice while he is at it. ]


video blastiafreak October 17 2011, 01:11:09 UTC
The time limit is pretty important, if you ask me. But for three entire lives...It's probably going to be a while.

[And Rita...has no idea that what Eagle wants is relationship advice!] Huh? Well, I like cats. But if he doesn't want it, you'll be the one stuck looking after it.


video eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 01:26:18 UTC
Its fitting if it should take longer for more people.

[It is subtle relationship advice. Its not as if he is asking if it should be flowers or candy. ^,^]

I don’t think he would ever turn an animal down, so I doubt I would end up ‘stuck’ with it. I am just not exactly sure what the best animal would be. Maybe I should even look into a bird of some kind. He does really like birds.


video blastiafreak October 17 2011, 02:14:26 UTC
...Fitting? It's just a scam if you ask me.

[Since she doesn't blame Eagle for killing those people, but rather the City for causing the curse in the first place. For Eagle to have to pay for it...It's frustrating.

And it's probably a good thing it's subtle advice! Although Rita might also happily recommend sweets.]

Birds are everywhere. There's nothing really special about them. [Nevermind that someone could say the same about cats.]


video eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 03:00:42 UTC
[It is a scam! >,<
Eagle kind of feels like he deserves this though for causing so much trouble…
*eyes him* ]

I hurt those people, so this feels like a fitting punishment. Even better they will be able to continue their lives again. I think that is really the most important part.

[Sweets would totally work for Eagle! Lantis is a little more difficult to shop for, since he doesn’t react enthusiastically to much anything. ]

Birds are everywhere, that’s true. Lantis can call them down out of the trees and even hand feed the wild ones.

[Are you tired of hearing about Lantis yet? Sorry, Eagle is gushing a little. ]

So, of all the animals out there you recommend a cat the most? Thank you, Ms. I will definitely keep your recommendation in mind.


video blastiafreak October 17 2011, 14:13:41 UTC
[Eagle.... :< For someone she originally had pegged as a thief, he's awful self-sacrificing sometimes...It irritates her!]

...Fine, whatever. Just forget it. [--Oh, stupid choice of words there.

She listens to that gushing about Lantis with an impassive look; she's not annoyed, but she's not interested, either.]

Sure, I mean...I just happen to think they're less of a pain.

And just call me Rita, okay? Rita Mordio.


video eagleofautozam October 17 2011, 20:00:26 UTC
[Forget it? Yes, that was an unfortunate choice of words, but he will forget it. ]

Less of a pain… That sounds nice. I know he could get along with anything but I could use something that was easy to care for.

It is nice to meet you Rita. [Again. ^,^ ]


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