Deity Filter :: Private

Oct 07, 2011 18:10

[ Lantis was doing so much better. He could finally walk around without running the risk of further injuring himself. So, it was time then. Eagle had decided a while ago that it wasn’t enough to just be sorry about what had happened during that curse, he had to do something to correct the damage he had done to those poor people, the innocent ( Read more... )

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|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 7 2011, 23:00:43 UTC
How touching.


|| Deity Filter || eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 23:04:04 UTC
What would you ask in return for the lives of those three people?


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 7 2011, 23:11:38 UTC
What concern is it of yours that they're dead? You've done this deed. Now you and they will have to live with it.

Do you expect them to forgive you after this?

Really, is this about them or you?


|| Deity Filter || eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 23:23:49 UTC
I am the one who killed them, that makes it my concern.
If they are dead they can never leave this city, isn’t that right? They shouldn’t have to be trapped here eternally or to have to suffer through the horrors the undead of this City have to deal with.

I feel terrible that they were killed and fully believe that they deserve to return to their normal lives…
[His voice softens. ]
But, I am not arrogant enough to believe I am only doing this for them. It is also something I have to do for myself. I have to try and repair the damage I have done.


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 7 2011, 23:24:49 UTC
So you are doing it because you feel guilty for what you've done. And this, so you think, will alleviate your guilt.

What do you offer?


|| Deity Filter || eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 23:34:19 UTC
It will also give those people their lives back. That is more important.

You enjoy memories? I have often heard that you will do trades for those. In return for restoring those people’s lives you can have all of my memories. Everything but the ones about Lantis. This wouldn’t do any good if he ran off and injured himself again when I couldn’t remember to stop him.


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 7 2011, 23:40:00 UTC
I'm just trying to give you some kind of window on your motivations. Due consideration. Full disclosure. All of that. No one really reflects on things. It's too spot-remover, quick-fix, instant-oatmeal around here.

All of them--except for him, as you said (I guess I might as well) and except for the memories of these deaths you carried out. You get to keep those so you can ponder them a while. You enjoy that.

For the price of three lives, I ought to ask for your life too, really. Or I should at least keep your memories permanently. I suppose you'll want them back.


|| Deity Filter || eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 23:51:53 UTC
I have done nothing but think about this since it happened. I won’t regret taking this action if that is what you are worried about.

[Lantis and the memory of killing those people… maybe it was more fitting that way. He doesn’t protest that. ]

If that isn’t enough then maybe I could do something else for you? I don’t have very much life left, I am already being supported by the powers of this place as you must already know, I am not sure how attractive this little life I have left would really be to you.

[Trying to dissuade from that one. His death would also cause Lantis to act irrationally. ]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 7 2011, 23:55:21 UTC
I'm not worried about anything. You just have to pay a price that fits what you're asking for. If you don't pay, and I mean really pay, you don't get it.

I'll take the memories. You can have them back in a month. Until then, you get Mr. Lantis there and you get your murders. Congratulations.

If it suits you, come by the office and sign the paperwork.


|| Deity Filter || eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 23:58:15 UTC
Thank you.
I will be there in a little while.

[What ever the time it takes to walk from where he is to were the office is. There was no point in putting this off. ]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf October 8 2011, 00:07:34 UTC
Done deal.
I'll be here too.

[ooc: You're welcome to have the trade go through at any time hereafter. Eagle's memories will be gone for 1 month but the NPCs will have their lives restored immediately and permanently. Have fun with it~]


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