Now a Pirate Captain

Jun 15, 2011 17:48

[Video / Action ]

[It had been a difficult track through the jungle as evidenced by the torn damp clothing that clung to the group of men and the mud they wore up to their knees, but their sun baked faces still beamed with a triumphant air. Loading their newly unearthed treasure onto the gently rocking ship was a heavy task but one completed to the tune of a jaunty sea shanty played by the fiddler who had stayed behind.
The first mate barked a few orders to the men on deck before turning to hear what the new Captain had to say. ]

Can we be underway as soon as the cargo is stored below decks?

[The first mate recoiled for a moment, still surprised by the Captain’s polite nature as he was far more used to the gruff tone the former Captain had always used, but he nodded his agreement. ]

It would be better if we could make it back to port before the sun sets.

item gathering, not so sneaky

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