Buisness - Memory Theater

May 14, 2011 12:39

[Video - Open to All]

Geo’s Sweet Shoppe officially reopened this week. That should be of great interest to all of the candy lovers in the City. If you need some small distraction from all of the evidence that has been cropping up lately maybe a few sinful treats would help to take some of the edge off. You can drop by the store in person or call in an order, we do deliver.

[Filtered to Geo’s Sweet Shoppe Staff - But still Video]

Since I had so many willing volunteers the Shoppe should be able to do twice as much business… which does mean lots of deliveries for you three. Dulcie, Uni, Soul, there are address lists and packages already prepared for you in the back room. I divided the work up so that Dulcie would handle the deliveries that need to be made as fast as possible, Uni has most of the regular City routes, and Soul has the underground and forest dwelling deliveries.

Our new head Confectioner, Raymond, has been hard at work trying to restock all of the depleted inventory but he said that he would be very willing to teach anyone how to make candy if they were interested. Lantis, Cassian, if you still want to learn how to do this… he really is a great chef. You could learn a lot as apprentice confectioners.

Also, Euphie who runs the Welcome Center has a fund raising idea to support that charity. She will be holding a scavenger hunt where clues will direct participants to local businesses. Once at the correct business a game will have to be played before the next clue will be handed over. I have volunteered Geo’s Sweet Shoppe as a possible location and offered an assortment of candy to be given as a prize for the event. What I could use from you are ideas for unique and unusual candy fillings. Hopefully distasteful ones but not really horrible enough to make anyone ill. I have an interesting idea for our game that would call for these.

If anyone has any questions you can feel free to ask.

[Memory Theater - Open to All]

[Links Fixed - I think... ]
One Two

[OOC: Eagle hired a NPC named Raymond to do the bulk of the candy making duties for Geo’s Sweet Shoppe since no PC with any experience in this area could be found. Of course when some one learns these mad skills he may no longer be required.

This curse has decided everyone in the City should see this little memory from Eagle’s past showing the three people Eagle cares about the most. Cute little Hikaru who tries to talk Eagle out of a decision that will cause him pain, Lantis who means to destroy the Pillar System and whose presence on Cephiro makes attacking that world incredibly difficult, and Geo who is a source of comfort and support when ever Eagle needs it. Naturally he has no idea the curse piggybacked a memory on his business video.]

lantis, soul, cursed, dulcie, hikaru, sweet shoppe buisness

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