Now hiring

May 02, 2011 15:44


Geo’s Sweet Shoppe - Now Hiring-

A candy store that carries many traditional Earth candy varieties but specializes in sweets from Autozam. This Shoppe has been closed since the proprietor and delivery girl left the City and the current owner would like to reopen the store soon.

What we are looking for:

1.) A Confectioner - Must be capable of reading and reproducing recipes. Experience with candy making is essential, but anyone capable of learning these skills will be assessed for the position. In order to be properly considered one must submit a sample of some of your candy for consideration.

2.) A Delivery Person - In order to fill order this person must be capable of understanding directions and delivering packages on time.

Any one interested in these positions should contact Eagle Vision.

[OOC: This post is in text but you can respond to it however you please, this is just kind of ‘bulletin-board’ advertisement. ]

uni, presea, soul, dulcie, sweet shoppe buisness, cassian

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