Life and stuff.

Jul 24, 2009 23:06

Felt like posting. *shrug*

Added some colorbars and junk to my profile page. ...Spur of the moment idea, really. XD

So I recently obtained a job at Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers about a month ago. Originally, I was hired temporarily to replace shadownitewolf, the office assistant, while she was away on vacation for five weeks. I had assumed that I would leave the job once she got back, but her boss decided that perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep me around as extra help. So I am currently in the process of becoming a regular part-time employee! Woo! :D

It feels so good to be making my own moneyyyyy. <3

School starts at the end of next month! I'm pretty excited, but I'm glad it's still only July. I want to appreciate my time off a bit more before I go back. (...That reminds me, I should probably pay for my classes soon. >_>;; And get textbooksss.)

I'm prepping for another musical at NCRT; they're doing Guys & Dolls next. :3 The first official meet-and-greet session is this Sunday at the theatre. It's gonna be fun! Except I suppose I don't need to be there the whole time, since I'm only the pianist and I don't need to stick around for the first script read-through. XD I'll just stop by, say hi, and then go home for dinner. <3

Ooh! And parties. (It wouldn't be normal if my theatre friends weren't throwing random-ass parties every weekend.) Going to an '80s-themed party tomorrow night... guess I'd better find something fitting to wear. Time for a trip into the black hole that is my closet and see what I can find. XD On Sunday afternoon there's going to be a final going-away party for my good buddy Rigel, who is moving to Chicago at the end of this month. I'll miss you, man...! It was an honor to work with you this past year-and-a-half. <3 (Lol, he's never going to see this. XD;; But it's okay, I'll tell him in person this weekend.)

Ugh. I have to change by bedsheets before I go to bed tonight. -_-;; It wouldn't be so bad if my bed wasn't so FAT. And heavy. ...And pressed up against the wall.

But clean sheets are gonna feel so goooood. <3 Whee.

work, school, theatre, weekend

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