100 Truths

Jul 17, 2009 21:45

Got tagged by zephyr_love. (You sneeky devil, you.) <3

Here we go!

001. Real name ? Laura
002. Nickname(s) ? Edward
003. Status ? Single
004. Zodiac sign ? Libra/Dragon
005. Male or female ? Female
006. Elementary ? Redwood/Dana Gray Elementary (Fort Bragg, CA)
007. Middle School ? Zane Middle School (Eureka, CA)
008. High School ? Eureka High School (Eureka, CA)
009. College ? College of the Redwoods (Eureka, CA); soon-to-be Humboldt State University! (Arcata, CA)
010. Hair color ? Brown
011. Long or short ? Long
012. Loud or Quiet ? Depends on where I am and who I'm with
013. Sweats or Jeans ? Jeans
014. Phone or Camera ? Camera
015. Health freak ? Kinda
016. Pets? 1 dog, Jewel; 2 cats, Phillip and Lilian
017. Do you have a crush on someone? Not really
018. Eat or Drink? Drink
019. Piercings ? Both ears
020. Tattoos ? None, but I'm not completely closed-off to the idea
021. Water or Fire ? Water
022. Love of your life or 4 Billion Dollars ? I want to say the love of my life, but I'm not even sure what that kind of love feels like. XD (But seriously, I wouldn't even know what to do with all that money; it'd probably just sit there forever with me not spending it.)

023. First fear ? Bugs/spiders/etc. Mom didn't like them so neither did I. XD
024. First best friend ? My friend Lisa from middle school. :3 (We still keep in touch after she moved away.)
025. First award ? A trophy for playing softball, I think.
026. First crush ? Some kid named Julian I knew in 4th grade. *shrug*
027. First pet ? A cat. (Blackberry was the greatest! SHE PWNED LABRADORS.)
028. First big vacation ? To Disneyland! XD (It was my tenth birthday, come on.)
029. First love? The piano. <3
030. First big birthday? (I'm not counting the ones I had in elementary school; you know, the ones where you invited everyone in your entire freaking class? Yeah.) My 17th was the BEST. We couldn't have the party on the actual day, so we settled for the next weekend. RIGHT BEFORE HALLOWEEN, BITCHES. >:D Midnight costume-themed party, anyone?

[31.] Orange or Apple Juice? Apple juice
[32.] Rock or Rap? Rock
[33.] Country or Screamo? Eh... screamo, maybe? (I guess it really depends on the song.)
[34.] N'Sync or Backsteet Boys? Aren't they pretty much the same thing? >_>;; (I had both their first CDs, in any case. *shrug* DON'T JUDGE ME.)
[35.] Britney Spears or Christina Aguliera? ...NEXT.
[36.] Night or Day? Night
[37.] Sun or Moon? Moon
[38.] TV or Internet? Internet
[39.] PlayStation or xbox? PlayStation
[40.] Kiss or Hug? Hug. (Saving my kisses for someone special, whoever they are. Hugs I can give to everyone! :D)
[41.] Iguana or Turtle? Iguana
[42.] Spider or Bee? Spider
[43.] Fall or Spring? Fall. (Indian summer, baby!)
[44.] Limewire or iTunes? *shrug*
[45.]Paper or Plastic? Paper (for the same reason as Charity)
[46.] Soccer or Baseball? Baseball. (I have my reasons right now. DON'T I, SARAH? ;D)

047. Living? In Eureka?
048. Working? At Winzler & Kelly and NCRT.
049. Eating ? Ice cream
050. Drinking? ...Melted ice cream. XD
052. I'm about to ? Check for updates on my usual websites. (Star Trek fanfiction, here I come! 8D)
053. Listening to ? "Help, I'm Alive" by Metric.
054. Plans for today? Day's kind over, actually. XD But for the rest of the night I plan to improvise. Maybe watch a few episodes of TOS, try and write some Trowa/Duo ficlets. ...Ooh! I can change the sheets on my bed! XD
055. Waiting for ? A new chapter to appear for my favorite Trek fanfic. (I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENNNNNSSS. Dx)

058. Want kids? About as much as I want my cat to die. ...Which is never. (I luff my Lilian. <3)
059. Want to get married ? Maybe. We'll see. :3
060. Careers in mind ? Music/piano teacher, professional pianist... Something musical.

068. Lips or eyes ? Eyes
070. Shorter or taller ? Taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous ? Mm... spontaneous. (Too much mushy stuff and I'd probably feel overwhelmed.)
073. Nice stomach or nice arms ? Stomach
074. Sensitive or loud ? Sensitive. (Because I'm sensitive, but I can still be pretty awesome. ;D)
075. Hook-up or relationship ? Relationship
077. Trouble maker or hesitant ? ...Can I just have him be confident?

080. Lost glasses/contacts ? Didn't lose them, but my glasses fell apart once. XD (Loose screw.)
081. Ran away from home ? No (COUGARS WOULD HAVE EATEN ME.)
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense ? No
083. Killed somebody ? No. ...Unless you mean THIS GUY. *holds up... somebody*
084. Been Heartbroken ? A little
085. Been arrested ? No
087. Cried when someone died ? Yes
088. Regret something you did? Yes

089. Yourself ? Hells yeah!
090. Miracles ? Occasionally. (Same goes with fate and destiny.)
091. Love at first sight ? Infatuation that can become love, perhaps. X3
092. Heaven ? I'd like to (in the concept, anyway).
093. Santa Claus ? No
094. Sex on the first date ? No (unless you're...Jim...Kirk? >_>;;)
095. Kiss on the first date? Mmm... maybe, if the chemistry's really right.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? At the moment? No, not really.
098. Are you happy with where you are in life right now ? I'm moving steadily forward and I'm enjoying the ride, yes. :D
099. Do you believe in God ? I don't know. I'm riding the line, so to speak. (But I do know that I don't really believe in a Christian God, that's for sure. Sorry, Jesus! XD)

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people

Does... anyone else notice that this thing skips some numbers in some places? >_>;; I did. ...This thing is full of lies. ITS BOLOGNA HAS A FIRST NAME AND IT'S FALSEHOOD. D8<

I watched the TOS episode "A Piece of the Action" today. I forgot how amazing it was. XD CHICAGO MOB BOSSES. Hee! I swear, the people in the costuming department back then probably had a field day everytime the Enterprise crew was scheduled to visit a planet whose society was formed around the basis of some particular culture from some random point in Earth's history.

...That last sentence is just WRONG somehow. I just know it. BUT I REFUSE TO GO BACK AND FIX IT. TAKE THAT, BACKSPACE KEY.

But seriously. Old-school Chicago gangsters? Nazi Germany? The Enterpise crew got to wear the best costumes. <3

star trek, random, 100 truths, meme

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