Eeeeeee! <3 <3 <3

May 11, 2009 14:41

I just saw a pair of three-day-old baby goats! They were so cute! And I got to pet them. X3

And they almost sounded like cats from far away. XD Heck, they LOOKED like cats from far away (really, really starved cats). But OMG THEY WERE THE MOST ADORABLE THINGS!! 8D

One tried to suckle my hand. :3


Finals are going good so far. I had my marine biology final a couple hours ago; I'm pretty sure I passed it. >_>;; In any case, as long as I do well on my lap/field trip notebook, I should do fine.

I'm going to my "Teaching Science with Science-Fiction" final at 3:15, so I have abooouuut... thirty-five minutes or so. All I'm doing is turning in my research paper and listening to presentations on 2001: A Space Odyssey. (SOMEONE KILL ME PLEEEEASE. D8) ...I did my essay on the scientific ideas behind Gundam Wing. X3 Best sci-fi-esque subject ever!

UHHHHHHH, don't really wanna go to my last final today. DX It's probably gonna be really boring. (But maybe we'll get out early! Yay for possibilities! 8D)

Gonna BS a little and then go get some foooood. <3

Only 10 days, 17 hours and 18 minutes until Fanime Con '09! :D

school, gundam wing, cute

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